43 pt 2..? yea.

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I hear the oven beep, and go over to the stairs and call Sally down. She practically flies down the stairs and drags me into the kitchen.
I pull the cookies out of the oven, and take off that hot ass oven mit off. I take 2 cookies and place them in a napkin, and hand them to Sally.

"Thank you." She said politely.

"You want some milk with that or nah?" I ask. She nods, and I pour her a glass. Not like, a huge glass. Like one of those tiny cups you get at Walmart and they're plastic and have a thing from some kids show and shit, ya know? Yea you do.
We walk back into the living room, and Toby was home. Finally.

"Careful with that." I say to Sally, as she goes upstairs with the milk.

"You would be a great mom." The puppeteer said. Toby glares at him, and wraps his arms around me. Ben comes from the hallway looking baked asf.

"Duuuude...." He mumbled. "If a person says 'I'm a liar' are they lying or truthing?" He asked.

"They.... I... do you want a cookie?" I kinda half ass say.

"Bro... hell yes I want a motherfucking cookie."

"They're on the stove." I say.

"OH." He says and walks into the kitchen. Oh my god.

"He's out of his mind right now." Mom said with a chuckle. I smile and rest my head on Tobys chest.

"Ah shit." I say, lifting it right back up. My dad started howling with laughter, as I realized Toby was caked with blood, and it covered my entire left side of my face.

"Well fuck my entire asshole." I mutter.

"Looks like we're gonna have to shower together." He said with a smirk, before slapping my butt and walking upstairs. I turned around blushing.

"Now? When? Well shit. Bye." I say following him.


Smexy time with Toby.


Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now