chapter fucking 11

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We both come down stairs, hand in hand. I let go and go in the kitchen, to grab a bottled water, and come back. Toby was speaking with slender at the moment, so I just sat on the floor and waited. That's when I realized every one was staring at me.... Even my parents.

"Ben you owe me a batch of cookies. Told you they were banging. " masky said. I sighed really loudly.

"Not true." I grumbled. Toby came out of slenders office, and came and Sat down next to me.

Then He took my water And drank some.

"Excuse you?" I say. He looks at me.

And keeps drinking.

"You are Jeff's kid but I'm still not scared of you." he said. "Like these other assholes." he finished. I started laughing.

"Its not her we're scared of...." Ben said.

"YOU GOT YOU FACE BEAT BY MY DAD OF COURSE YOU'RE SCARED OF HIM." I say loudly. My dad started laughing.

"I'm not scared of him." Jane said, smirking.

"Lies...." I whisper. She looks at me.

"No." she said. " By the way you shouldn't be so comfortable around him. You could end up like his brother." she said smirking.

"Well he's hated you longer than me so.... I'd say you're the first to die." I say. "Plus in horror movies doesn't the slut die first?" I say. She opens her mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it, not daring to say anything more. My dad was quietly chuckling like a psycho.

"God you're insane." I say. He looks up at me giving me a weird face.

"You don't say?" He says. I start laughing just like he was. Then I stop.

"CAN I GET A CAT?" I shout. My dad stops laughing, and looks at me.

"Fuckin.... Sure." he says. "Dogs are better though...." He says, raising an eyebrow.

"WAIT." I shout. "People can have pet owls." I say.

"Wellllllll. Good luck with that." he says. I laugh.

I look at Toby, and he hands me my empty water bottle.

"Why." I say. He doesn't say anything. He just burps. Ew.

"Why." I repeat. He just looks forward. I start smacking him with the water bottle.

"WHY." I say. He starts laughing.

"I CANT FEEL PAIN ALL I KNOW IS YOURE BEATING ME WITH WATER." he shouts. I was straddling him, but his hips were turned to the side and his torso was facing me.

"Why are you beating me with water." I smack his chest with it


"I CANT FEEL IT." he shouts.

"I will beat feeling into you." I say. He starts laughing and just barely shoves me and I fall off of him with a yelp. I get up and go up stairs, ready for the best prank ever.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now