chapter 14

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"Holy shit! You okay?" Ben says. It's taking every muscle I have to not run up to him, and help him. I notice he's grabbing his arm, holding it close to him.

Then I realize that The Palm of his hand is facing me.

That's not a natural thing. His arm is broken. Ej gets up and takes him some where, and I just sit. Quietly, never blinking; waiting for Ej to bring him back.

"Hey!" I feel something poke my ribs. I instantly look up and see ben, and every one looking at me.

"What?" I say, sounding a little pissed.

"Are... You.... O...k?" he says slowly.

"Yeah. I'd be better if you weren't in my face." I hissing, but smiling. He glares at me and sits back down.

Something is wrong.

I don't like this.


Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now