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The water fall, green grass, all shaded by the trees. Next to the water, was a little picnic basket on a blanket, everything perfectly placed.

"Oh my God..." I *whisper.

"Like it?" he asks nervously.

"It's beautiful.. I love it." I say, turning around and throwing my arms around his neck, and kissing him. He chuckles.

"Good. I worked hard in making tonight special." He said, his arms snaked around me. He ran his hands down my arms, and gripper my hand, and walked us to the blanket, where we both plopped down. He pulled some food from the basket -mostly sandwich stuff- and some wine, which I'm not even sure if I was expecting that or not.

"You didn't have to do any of this...." I say, unable to take my eyes of the glistening water in the pond.

"Yes I did." he answered.

I look at him, "why?"

"Because." he said. I raised my eyebrow. "Because I love you, and you deserve nights like this." he said, looking Mr in the eyes. Things like that always makes me smile.... And blush... Like I'm doing. O Ged

"You're adorable when you blush."

"You'Re mAkiNG IT WORSE!" I say loudly. He laughs.

"I know."

"Ass hat." I mumble. He leans over and presses his lips to mine. My heart beat pick up pace. He pulls away leaving me hanging in that moment still.

"Do you wanna call it a night?" he asks. I nod, dizzy from the wine. The kiss didn't help either. I stand and lean up against a tree, while he packs everything up, and holds the basket in his left hand, and mine in his right. We walk like this all the way back home.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now