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*2 months later*

Cravings. Puke. Sleep. Why are my feet swollen? Oh, and a slight moodiness. that's always fun. I'm super pissy. I try not to say anything, because its not fun to piss people off... All the time.

Apparently what my dad whispered to Toby was that he'll kick his ass if he hurts me.. so yeah. That's a thing.

*four months*

I have a slight baby bump it's not noticeable to anyone else but me apparently. I'm excited and nervous.

*nine months in the afternoon*

It's coming. Not now, but soon. September. Its going to be a September baby.

*3rd persons p.o.v*

"Toby.." Jess whispered to Toby, who was playing video games. He paused the game and turned to her with a sigh.

"What?" He said, in an annoyed tone. She looked down, scared he was going to get mad again.

"C- can you get me some captin' crunch?" She stuttered, picking the skin around her fingernails.

"Of course." He sighed, still sounding annoyed. Before he left, he could see a tear rolling down her cheek. He didn't know exactly why she was crying. He didn't do anything. He sighed as he poured her bowl.

"She cries too much. And for nothing" He stated, talking to anyone who was listening.

"Girls get emotional when their pregnant. And it's definitely not for no reason. You've yelled at her for asking for stuff, and now she's scared of you. Dude, the baby is gonna be here any day now, and you need to be there for her." E.j said, everyone else nodding in agreement. Toby sighed.

"God I'm an idiot." He mumbles, and takes the cereal back up stairs.
When he gets back into their room, he hands her the bowl, and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Babe.." He sighs. She looks up at him, a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Im sorry... I've been an ass lately. And I know that's the last thing you need. But I'm here for you, anything you want or need, I'll get it to you." He said. A set of fresh tears started dribbling down her soft cheeks, and she whispered,

"I love you."

"I love you more." He replied, l a aning down and kissing the tip of her nose.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now