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He drug me into the kitchen, just as I predicted he would.

"Sit." he ordered. I did as I was told. I look across from me, and mom and L.J were sitting there talking.

"You look like shit." L.J pointed out. My mom hit his side. I just laid my arm on the table and placed my face on it and sighed.

"Leave her alone." my dad barked, sitting something in front of me.

I don't want to be here. I'd be fine if we could have just stayed upstairs. But noooooooo.

I look up and see a mug. My dad Sat next to me. I hugged my knees to my chest at took the warm mug into my hands.

"Are you sure you're okay?" my dad asks. This catches my mom's attention. But I just ignored her and took a sip from the cup and nodded.

"Are. You. Sure?" he asks again.

"Daaaaad. I'm fiiiiine." I groan. A chuckle escapes from his lips.

"You didn't sound fine." he stated.

"That's cause I wasn't."


"Dad." I sigh.


"Wasn't is past tense."

"So is mcr." he said.

I glare at him. No one. No one gave him the right. He tries to ruffle my hair, but I quickly dodge him.

"NO!" I say, smacking his hand. He just stares at me, with his eyebrow raised. Now I He's gonna get revenge. I keep my eyes locked with his, as I slowly set my mug on the table. You could tell he was enjoying this.

I realized that mom and E.J were silent. I knew they were watching. Slendy teleported in the room with his brothers. All of them.

"Ayee Jeffrey." he says. My dads eyes flickered to him for a second, which was plenty of time for me. I jump up and run past the 5 brothers. I could hear my dad behind me, thud of his feet hitting the hardwood floor.

I was too slow, and I could feel the collision with the cool wooden floor, as we slide across it. He was under me... Partly. His arms and legs were wrapped around me, and we were both on our side. I squirmed, but there was no escape.

"JEFF THATS YOUR CHILD." Ben shouted, sounding panicked. He tripped and landed in front of me.

"Thanks for the help ass noodle." I say, giving up on escape.

"Quite frankly, I would have helped You. But we've been over this; I'm scared shitless of your father." he said.

"Just cause he kicked your ass once doesn't mean you have to be a pussy." I say, starting to squirm again.

"WHY." I said loudly, looking up at my dad. Then completely going limp. He started laughing. Of course, this wasn't 100% my father. Part of him wanted snap my neck right here and now. But he was ignoring that side of him, and staying strong.

He let go, making me fall face first into the wood. Thanks dad. I groan and push myself off the ground slightly and look up at him.

"Dad." I say.


"You suck."

"Not for free." he said, and walked away. I just look forward. What the Hell is wrong with my family?

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now