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When we walked in, every one smirked and stared whistling and hollering. Toby rolled his eyes and I just flipped them all off.

"Go on up stairs.... To my room. I'll be there in a sec." he whispered in my ear. I nod and lazily walked up the stairs. When I reached his door, I immediately kicked off my shoes -or tiny feet prisons- and the rest of my clothes for that matter. I put on one of his shirts, and plopped face first onto bis bed. I poke one knee out, and laid there comfortably. I hear Toby walk in and do whatever it is he was doing.

He falls onto the bed, making me bounce up in the air a bit. I peek up at him from underneath my eyelashes, then close my eyes once more. Then I hear a smack, and feel a stinging sensation in my left butt cheek. My eyes fly open, and look up at Toby, with a devious grin plastered on his face. I feel the heat creeping up my neck, engulfing my face, turning me a bright shade of red.

"Toby!" I whine.

He let's out an evil chuckle. He then proceeds to roll over on top of me. His hands rubs down my sides, and back up, stopping on my butt, squeezing softly earning a light moan from me. He smirks, and rolls me over on my back and hovers over me. He leans down and kisses me passionately, and I can't help but to wish I could stay in this moment forever.


Yes they did the Frickle frack snick snack diddly dack paddy whack

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now