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"Look at that dumb grin on your face!" My mom squeals. I look up, my smile fading and a look of confusion replacing it.

"Wha~?" I say.

"Soooo" my mom started. "What happened last night?" she asked, smiling hugely. I want to spill to her but I think I'll just play dumb.

"What are you talking about?" I say. She gives me a look saying 'don't play that shit with me woman. I see through the lies.' I sigh and mumble

"First kiss."

"WHAT." My mom said loudly.

"First kiss!" I say louder, then glancing down the hall to the room Toby is in, blushing. I lay my head on the table mentally cursing myself.

He could have heard. Geesus.

"OH MY JESUS JEFF." My dad came out of the kitchen eating a piece of toast. He just looked at her cause his mouth was full.

"She had her first kiss." she said.

"I don't wanna disappear right now at all." I say, sarcasm filling each word with venom.

"And?" my dad said, swallowing a bite.

"And?!?" my mom says frantic. "Out baby girl has kissed someone!"

"Yeah." my dad said. "Toby. I thought it happened already." my mom rolled her eyes, and my dad went back in the kitchen. After several awkward minutes later, Ben said;

"I want some cupcakes."

Ooh. This did sound nice.

"Yesssss" I say, dragging out the 's'.

"I'm gonna bake them. You can frost." my eyes got wide as saucers, and I jumped up and ran into the kitchen.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now