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I spin around and see L.j. I turn back to Ben, and he gives a slight nod, as if saying 'go on.' I turn, and follow l.j down the hall, into a door. I hesitantly opened it, and slowly walked in. I see Toby laid out on the bed, shirtless, but with bandage wrapped around his ribs, and a cast around his leg. He smiled when he saw me, and stretched his arms out. I was still partly baffled by his condition.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sprinting over to him. He chuckles quietly, and nods. I sit on the edge of the bed.

"How many times do I have to remind you that I can't feel pain." He said with a smirk. I sigh lean down and hug hem gently, and peck his cheek.

"What did they do to you?" I ask him, those wet tears dampening my face yet again.

"Tied me up and tortured me. Whippings, beatings, electrocution." he said. "But I'm okay now." he finished, cradling my face in his Palm. I lean into his hands, and touch the back of it, pressing so his warmth could consume me.

"T-Toby.." I Stutter. He let's out a 'hm?' in response.

"Were you clockwork ever a thing...?" I ask. I was avoiding eye contact, But forced myself to look at him. He had beautiful eyes, that of a cats. They could be Brown one minute, gold the next. It was amazing, really.

He sighed "we were a thing at one time. But... She left the mansion without a trace. Over that time... I fell out of love with her"

The only thing I could say was 'oh.' as I had no fucking clue what to say to that.

"I saw her" I blurted. "She tried to stop me from getting to you. She was calling you 'her lover' or whatever. She tried to fight me and..." I trailed off, thinking I had said too much.

"And?" he said, urging for me to continue. I suck in a shaky breath.

"I had to kill her."

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now