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All of my friends, held down by many of zalgos army, in a circle. They were all struggling to get free, but were failing. Why/ what were they circling? In the middle of the circle, was BEN, being kicked and beaten by zalgo, who was laughing.

I look at seedy, and he looks back at me.

"Ready to kick ass?" he asks. I hesitate, but nod. a grin started to form on my face as we both neared the circle. I went for the guy holding my dad, and seedy went for the guy with masky. I saw seedy bite the dude, ripping a hunk of his flesh. I stab the guy I was at, through the back, and twisted it. He fell to the ground, and my dad and masky was free. I pull a knife out of my boot, and give it to my dad. I look at zalgo, who's attention we certainly had. Me, masky, seedy, and my dad were all beating his army, letting the others go. When we were all free, I look over at BEN. He looked okay, but hurt.

"Zalgo fled." he said. I sigh, and look at everyone else, who was looking at me.

"Where's toby? and mom and slendy?" I ask. They all shrug. I look at my dad.

"Take them back home. Take BEN with you. Seedy, you come with me." I say. Seedy walks over to me, and they all glare at him.

"No." BEN said. "I'm coming with you." He demanded.

"Ben. trust me. You're hurt, and you're not coming." I say. He sighs, and wobbles over to me, and hugs me.

"Be careful." he whispered. That almost brought tears to my eyes, but I forced them down.

"I will." I whisper. We exchange a smile, and I turn to seedy.

"Have any idea where slendy could be?" I ask. He nods. I jump on his back, and he walks us right to him. He was in your normal white, padded room. Tied down, but he had a necklace tied around his neck. There was a purple stone, glowing right at the center of his chest.

"Stand back." seedy said. I did as I was told, and he smashed the glass with his massive hand-claw thing foot.

"Thanks." I say, and jump in the room with slendy. I unchain him from the wall, and he falls to his knees. He has no strength. I take off the necklace and throw it across the room. Seeds takes him somewhere, but i keep searching. I come to a line of rooms. Each one has a person in it, for some god forsaken reason.

but I hit the jack pot.

At the very end was my mom, in a straight jacket, leaning forward on her knees.

"Mom! mom!" I shout, and run over to her. She looks up at me, she had blood on her face, and years running down her cheeks.

"SEEDY." I call. He arrives not long after I call him. He cuts her from the wall, and helps me get the straight jacket off of her. She stood, and she didn't look as weak as slendy, but I put her on seedys back just in case.

We walked around, and we went into room to room, looking for Toby. We opened one door, and there was some old guy, with a beard, and He was skinny and wrinkled. I was about to give up, until we hear a scream.
We run down the hall, and to the door from which the screams were coming from. We open it, and see Toby, strapped down in a chair. he was looking down, and bearly breathing. I hear a hum and see little volts go through the chair, as they were shocking him. His body jumped and squirmed around, until they stopped. Seedy went to the person controlling it, and I hear a blood curdling scream. I run to Toby, and grab his head, making him look at me. He has blood coming out of his mouth, and he looked tiered.

"Toby! it's okay..." I said, reassuring myself more than him.

I start unbuckling him from his chair, starting with the hands, then the feet. When he was completely undone, seedy put him on his back with my mom. We started out, until I see clockwork standing in the doorway.

"Clock..?" I say. She smirks.

"Where are you going with my boy friend?" she asks. My eyebrows knit together.

"He's not your boyfriend..." I mutter. she chuckles.

"He was. Until you came along and ruined every thing." She hissed. She wanted Toby, which she wasn't going to get. She stepped forward, knife in hand. I pull my sword back out, and get ready.

She runs towards me, full speed. this was super easy, for she wasn't blocking. I aimed my sword where she would run right into the blade. But she didn't. Instead, she jumped over me, and landed behind me. I feel a pain in my ribs, and know she stabbed me. I turn around, and with one swipe of my blade, her head came clean off. I hold on to seedy as we go back to the 'throne room' and see slendy and zalgo fighting. He hadn't the strength to teleport, but he was fighting. Seedy puts down my mom and Toby, and runs over there and helps slendy. He hurts zalgo pretty bad too. He grabs his arms, and holds him back as long as he could, which was plenty of time. slendy grabbed zalgos head with his tenticals, and squeezed zalgos neck so hard, and he started pulling. His head came off, with blood shooting every where. slendy shoved it into one of zalgos many mouths, and walked to us.

It took us about 16 hours to get back home, (because we couldn't run). we look in the window and every one was healing each others wounds, and just sitting there. Ej was drinking a beer.

''Home sweet home" I think, before slamming the door open.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now