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The voice is ever so quiet. Ever sense dad had taken me out... It calmed down. I don't miss it.

My door opens, and Toby stood in The doorway. I look at him and smile. He smiles back and comes back in.

"Hey." I say. He smiles, then it fades.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. I nod.

"Doctor Jeff said I'm insane." I said. He chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked. "I was going to ask last night but you were freaking out and scaring the shit out of me." he said. I smirk and nod. He let's a breath escape his lungs.

"You are the only person I'm close with." he said. "And you're the only person I can talk to..." he continued.

"And which you can do the same, but that's not the point." he says nervously. It takes me every thing to not just go ahead and see what he's going to ask.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he said, biting his lip. I was at a loss of words, so I just crashed my lips with his, knocking us over, but being careful to not crush his arm.

"Is that a yes?" He asks. I nod and softly press my lips to his.

I look at him and he's grinning.

"I wanted to ask a while ago... I've actually had a crush on you for a while now.." He said, looking down. I chuckle.

"What about my dad." his face went pale, but He was smirking.

"Before I ran up here I yelled 'Jeff I'm asking you child to be mine.' so That should be fun." he said. I laugh.

"I was about to come down. Now I am definitely." I say still laughing.

He smiles and takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it.

"Shall we?" I ask, standing up. He chuckles and rises to his feet.

"We shall." I say. We lock arms, and halfway through us being idiots I just stop and walk into Ben's room. He was just laying there.

"GET. UP." his eyes opened and he looked at me.

"Get upppp." I said, pushing him out of bed. He sighed and got up. I ran downstairs, and my dad ran in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asked frantically "pleas say you said no!"

I slowly started backing away from him. My mom was laughing her ass off. Toby and Ben Finally made it down and my dad glared at him.

"GO STARE AT SOME ONE ELSE'S MAN. " I said standing in front of him. He looked down at me, and before He could do it, I ducked. His fist went right where my face was. I jumped in him, and crawled on his back. He tried to look up at me but I put his hood on. He sighed.

"I don't like having a kid who can predict the future. Clockwork walked in and looked at us and chuckled.

"You are a brave girl. Your mom too. I'm 110% sure every one else is too scared to do that." she said, pointing at us.

"Probably because he hates people and if anyone else Did this the wouLD DiE." I said.

"True." she said, and walked into the kitchen.

"Toby I'm still gonna beat your ass." my dad said.

"I CAN't feeL PAiN" he said.


"fork nipple." I said. The room fell silent, except some people stifling a laugh.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now