chapter 4

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I followed  ben downstairs, and what I saw made my heart drop.

It was Jessica.

Just standing there next to Toby.

I looked at ben.

"Where's Jeff?" I asked. Ben shrugged. Soon as I looked up, Jeff walked through the door, covered in blood. Jess and Jeff looked right at each other. Jeff's eyes winded. She didn't look at him like he was weird. She just looked at him like he was an everyday human being.

I walked up to Jeff and wrapped my arms around him. I whispered

"Toby found her. We have to talk to her... Alone." I said. He nodded. I look over and Toby whispered something in her ear, and she let out a bubbly laugh.

I could see Jeff in her. But she wasn't normal... Her eyes were green, and looked like cats eyes. When she smiled, I could see she had 1 Sharp tooth, like a fang.

"She didn't look like that when she was born Jeff." I whispered. "They did something to her." I finished.

"I'll tell you what." slender said. She looked up at him. He walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"She's immoral. Not like you, she's full immortal. No half. She Will stop aging at the age of 25." my mouth hung open.

She looked up at him and smiled.

"But she has a power... As all immortals do" He said. " she can predict the future... Psychic if you will. Only about certain things. She knows why she's here, and she knew that Toby was coming.  So you don't really have to have a weird awkward 'i gave birth to you' talk" he said, he would be smiling.

She calmly walked up to me, and wrapped her arms around me. I did the same, and I could feel more tears slipping out.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now