16 | Unexpected Move

587 22 9

Hovering my hand above the pan, I sprinkle freshly picked herbs that Sakura had brought me a few minutes ago into the food I was making. Being careful not to add too much, I pick up the spatula and mix everything together in a circular motion.

It has been a few days since we returned to the village and I must say, I've been feeling significantly better. My fight with Haku drained a lot of my chakra, which gave me a temporary flu like state, which I think is called chakra sickness or something. It basically meant that I couldn't use any jutsu for a while. 

"Yare, yare. That mission was something else... full of craziness and confusion." I chuckle, remembering the beastly Zabuza and Haku, whom so loyally followed his every order. Honestly I feel pity for him now that I've had some time to think about his situation. True he might have pissed me off back there, but he is still just a lost boy.

Scrambling the eggs I take a deep sniff of the aroma, feeling like I forgot to add something crucial. I reach for the liquid on the nearby shelf and add a small drop of it into the mix, completing my secret egg recipe. I then move the pan off the stove and bring it over the bowl I had conveniently placed next to me. Afterwards I grab my chopsticks and take my breakfast to the balcony, where I'd enjoy it in the fresh morning air.

Finishing with the scrambled eggs, I carefully place the bowl onto a small table and saunter to the edge of the balcony

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Finishing with the scrambled eggs, I carefully place the bowl onto a small table and saunter to the edge of the balcony. Staring at the stone faces of the Hokage, I can't help but think of how long those must have taken to sculpt-, I mean what if a nose suddenly fell off and they would need to start all over again? well, I guess earth-style would come in handy there...

"Man, I am starving!" A familiar voice suddenly speaks from somewhere nearby, making me perk up. I lower my gaze to the streets below, only to spot a familiar eye-patch male and his green-suited friend. 

"Tell me about it, Tsunade made us work to the bone back there..." Kakashi sighs, rubbing his noisy stomach. 

"I wonder..." I mumble and follow them with my eyes for a while, before deciding to speak. "Good morning!" I shout and chuckle at the startled reaction of Gai as he turns his head around frantically, trying to find me. "Up here." I add and smile as they raise their gazes towards my balcony and spot me. 

I feel oddly warm as Gai's eyes meet mine, but don't shy away. Instead I swallow my doubt and continue the conversation since I had caught their attention.

"What are you guys up to? It's quite early and judging by your growling stomachs, you've been out for a while." I inquire, leaning against the railing. 

"I- well uh.. we've been practicing a sealing j-jutsu with the rest of the jounins all morning." Gai fumbled with his words, causing Kakashi to chuckle and place a hand on his shoulder.

"The technique is very advanced, which is why we must spend extensive amounts of time practicing it. Tsunade wouldn't let us go until we had made even a small amount of progress, and now we're so hungry we could eat a horse." Kakashi finished the explanation for his friend and I nodded. I had no idea they were working on something like that.

"I see. Well, I've been recovering from the mission and finally feel like I'm ready to go out again soon." I explain and the men nod in excitement, Gai in particular looking very happy.

"That's awesome! Say, Yui.. Would you like to join us for breakfast? We were thinking of going somewhere like ichiraku?" Gai unexpectedly asks, stepping a bit closer to the balcony. 

"Well I would love to, but I unfortunately just ate.." I trailed off, feeling my heart beat a bit faster due to the sudden request. The male looked a bit disappointed, but he wasn't ready to give up on the idea just yet.

"Please? We would love to have your company." He pleaded, giving me a dashing smile as I looked at him. 

"I don't know.. I'd feel out of place if you ate and I just rudely stared. I think you should go by yourselves this time.. I could tag along another day." I said and slowly backed away from the railing, feeling a little embarrassed. When they both went silent, I thought they had given up and walked away, so I turned around to go back inside. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

In an instant I turned around to be faced with Gai leaning against the edge, only a couple of inches apart from my face. I let out a yelp of surprise and went to back away, but he grabbed my wrist to hold me in place. I raised my gaze to look up at him, feeling heat rise up to my cheeks and to the very tips of my ears. He had a determined glint in his eyes as he slowly sighed and let go of my hand.

"I'll buy you dango?" He offered as his last attempt to win me over, which I quite frankly did not expect. Flustered, I let out a long exhale and nodded, turning away from him to hide my reddened face. 

"Way to go Gai! Bribe 'em with sweets!" Kakashi cheered, sitting on one of my wooden chairs. I rolled my eyes with a smile and excused myself so I could change into a more proper attire. 

I spared the green-suited male one last glance before disappearing inside my apartment, secretly glad that he'd go this far to have my company.

I spared the green-suited male one last glance before disappearing inside my apartment, secretly glad that he'd go this far to have my company

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Heh I'm back... I think. I've been away from wattpad for too long, focusing on my studies and other life troubles. 

But- my writing has improved a lot, so I decided to try and post something again. 

sorry for the wait to those who are still here :,)

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