22 | Endless Surprises

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"W-what do you mean the mission got called off?" Yui and Gai gasp simultaneously as Yamato explains the situation at the spot they were supposed to meet before departure.

"That is what Hokage told me.." The spiky brown-haired male nervously rubbed his neck and looked at the ground to avoid eye contact.

Gai seemed baffled as he brought his hands to his hips and demanded for a proper explanation. "What was the reason?"

"I don't think you want to know, it's quite... graphic." Yamato gulps, trying to keep the truth from the two.

"Try us." Yui demanded, copying Gai's stance.

"Gods, if you really want to know... the client's dog went up and choked on a sausage this morning. The poor guy is so devastated he called off the mission for being unable to focus on anything else." Yamato finally explained, causing the atmosphere to turn heavy and grim.

"Oh.. that is.. unfortunate." Yui and Gai looked at each other with awkward expressions before silently agreeing that they didn't need to know this information.

"I did ask for another mission, but apparently there has been a low demand recently, which means we're free for now."

Upon hearing Yamato's words, Yui frowns and releases an exasperated sigh. "And here I thought that for once I could do something productive."

Gai looks at her curiously before placing his hand on her shoulder out of habit. "Are you angry?"

"Of course! I wanted to go on a mission with you after being inactive for so long... but now I'll be stuck laying in bed again."

Gai chuckled at her response and caressed her hair with a small smile dancing on his lips. Yui looked at him in slight awe before blushing and averting her gaze in embarrassment.

"Opportunities come and go! If you sulk because of that fact, you'll just get wrinkles and grow shorter."

He slowly removed his hand and stuffed it into his pocket. "I better get going though, I have a lot of things I need to take care of. See you two later, we can all go for a late night snack!" He offered excitedly before turning around and disappearing rather suddenly in a puff of smoke.

"Yeah, see you later!"

'I almost forgot that he too has a tight schedule due to all the training and stuff...' Yui thought to herself before turning her attention towards Yamato. "What are you going to do right now?"

"I.. don't know. I'm always working, so I rarely have time to stay home. This was supposed to be a week-long mission, so I scheduled my next one to start right after that time period." The Jonin explains, having a troubled expression on his face.

"So now with about 7 days of complete freedom and laziness.. you're not sure what to do?" Yui inquires, to which Yamato slowly nods.

"Well then! Why don't we get all this equipment back home and come up with something together? I'd love to get to know you better since we're kekkei genkai buddies!" She exclaims enthusiastically, causing him to cringe and look at her weirdly.

"Please do not refer to us like that ever again."



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I close the door to my apartment and turn around to face Yamato with a pair of rice cakes in my hands. "I hope you like these, I had some leftovers and I don't want them to go bad."

"I'm not particularly fond of sweets, but I'll have one if you insist." He smiles and I happily hand him one of the cream-colored blobs.

"Want to go for a walk?" I then ask and he nods, motioning for me to lead the way. I take a bite off the dessert and start walking towards the staircase,- a particular destination in mind.

Yamato is quite plain in terms of outer appearance and behaviour. He doesn't wear anything overly extravagant, nor does he seem interested in being in the limelight. He is actually quite discreet and calm with a hint of playfulness- according to Kakashi.

By the background check that I did yesterday evening, he has an extremely rare kekkei genkai that only the first Hokage was ever known to possess; Wood Release.

I don't know how strong it is or how capable Yamato himself is as a shinobi, but judging by his long history as an Anbu and his current rank as a Jonin... he must be pretty good.

"Say, what type is your kekkei genkai Miss? I've heard some very faint rumours of how you came to the village, but I have never had the chance to actually see or meet you until now." Yamato suddenly asks, catching my attention.

"Oh, it's ice. Also you can call me Yui!" I reply and he hums in response.

"I see. Water and wind right? It's quite rare." He wonders and I nod.

"Yeah, but not as rare as yours! Are you his descendant?" I ask curiously and he seems to know exactly who I am talking about.

"I'm not. It is a long story, but I was the only one who survived a certain experiment and obtained this gene as a result." He sighed, hoping I notice his discomfort when talking about the subject.

I decided to pry no further and instead pulled on his arm upon seeing a small dango shop in the distance. "Let's go there, I haven't had dango in a long while!" I pleaded and he seemed to just give into my antics as he stopped resisting and allowed me to pull him along.

As we entered the small space and took our seats among the other customers, an odd aura began to surround us. 

Something seemed wrong and we both felt it. 

Yamato slowly tensed up when looking at me and for a moment I was confused, but then I realised he was in fact looking over my shoulder instead of my face. 

Carefully I turned around in my seat to see what in the world he was looking at... and got the biggest surprise of them all.

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