24 | This Rotten World of Lies

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"Why are you following me?"  The man asks in a gruff, threatening voice while he looks for a spot to cross the raging river. I glance at his face as I catch up to him and point at the bandaged wound on my shoulder.

"You saved me, thus I am in your dept." I reply with an emotionless look on my face.

"You are mistaken little woman, I did not save you. You just got lucky that I had.. business with the guy that tried to rob you." He retorts and starts walking on the surface of the water, presumably to get away from me. I just watch him for a moment before stepping on the water myself and jogging after him.

"How annoying.." He muttered as I caught up to him again.

"Let me do something to repay you! I have nowhere else to go.. no one else to follow." I mumble silently,- gently tugging at his sleeve to make him pay attention to me. He yanked his arm away and slowed his pace so he could better glare at me.

"What use are you to me? Can you fight..?  - Didn't look like it. Can you kill without hesitation? - Doubt it." He lists out, getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"I.. I can cook?" I offer, making him exhale tiredly.

"You know what... why don't you tell me a joke? If you get me to smile, I'll allow you to follow me for a few days." He says, stopping in his tracks and turning to face me properly.

'A joke.. is all?'

I rub my head in deep thought as I try to remember the funniest joke I possess in my arsenal.

"What... did the fish say when it swam into a wall?"

"Are you making fun of me-"


The man had a pissed look on his face as he processed my joke, either planning to skewer me with his weapon- or simply with his bare hands. Nonetheless I was already preparing myself for the sweet release of death I've been waiting for.. but it never came. Instead the man threw me his weapon and pointed forward.

"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." He muttered, hiding his face under the black cloak he was wearing.

"This means I can follow you? W-what is your name?" I asked as I struggled to keep up with his impossibly long strides with my smaller legs.

"I'll tell you when I feel like it."





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