20 | Attraction

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"I can't believe I lost to him.. again!" I grumbled silently as we walked down a silent forest path on our way back to the village. I had my hands lazily in my pockets as I took notice of the small patches of red and orange on the leaves,- suddenly remembering that Rinne Matsuri was coming and I was in need of a festive outfit. Perhaps I could ask Kakashi to come shopping with me some time?

I don't really 'participate' in the festival like the rest of the people I know. While some make use of the festivities to find themselves some lady company, I usually just spend the night drinking and visiting father's grave. It's not like I see the holiday as irrelevant or something, I do give out gifts and such.. it's just I'm disinterested in whatever Kakashi and Jiraiya are into.

 it's just I'm disinterested in whatever Kakashi and Jiraiya are into

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"Hey, are you mad at me? I hope not..." Yui suddenly asked and slowly raised her head whilst giving me that adorable puppy face of hers. I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly as her lovely eyes gazed into mine, causing me to involuntarily avert my eyes and look ahead to avoid staring.

"Of course not! However... if only you weren't as tiny as a baby turtle, I could have beaten Kakashi and won." I explain and she unexpectedly chuckles, seemingly amused by my gloominess.

"What ever do you mean~?" She innocently muses as she skips ahead and steps on a rock to match my height. I pull my hands away from my pockets as I stop in front of her and raise a brow, giving her a look.

"Finding you was a 'pain in the ass', like Asuma would say. Remind me not to lose you in a crowd-.. ever." I sigh and her mischievous expression now turns into a small glare. With a huff she points her finger at me accusingly and pokes it at my chest.

"Alright mister, aren't you exaggerating a bit there? I'm not that small. Don't blame your loss on my size, or are you just that much of a sore loser?" She taunts, now making me chuckle. Even when standing on a rock, she still barely reaches my height.

"Is that so?" I smile, not even caring about the exercise anymore; I was simply getting lost in her eyes.

"Mhm, in fact you're the small one." She grins and raises her hand above my head to pat me. My eyes slightly widen at her touch and I feel my cheeks and ears getting warm again. Nobody ever shows me this type of affection, so I don't really know how to react. 'Should I pat her back..?'

As the movement stops I can feel Yui rubbing my hair slightly, something I've done to her before in an attempt to lift her mood. Her face turns a light shade of pink as she keeps feeling my hair, giving me the impression that she isn't aware of the effect she has on me.

Deciding to stay silent, I allow her to do whatever she wants with me, as long as she keeps her hand occupied with my hair.

"Oh~?" She smirks in triumph upon my apparent submission and goes on to continue the playful interaction. "Are you intimidated by me? Well it's not surprising considering my impressive stature and big muscles." She giggles and subconsciously slides her hand down to my shoulder, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Absolutely hypnotised by her touch at this point, I step a little closer to her and tilt my head slightly. "Very.. intimidated." I reply in an unexpectedly flirtatious manner- not even realising the close proximity of our faces.

Usually I can fool around with her no problem, but lately I've noticed how easily I get distracted by her voice and her actions. Every day she seems more and more beautiful, sometimes utterly baffling me when we train together. It's gotten to the point where she could ask me to bring down the moon and I'd consider it.

"I-I bet I could win you in an... arm wrestling... match." Her voice gets timid and squeaky as I keep inching closer, somehow bemused by her sudden bashfulness and change in attitude. In my mind I was well aware that I was stepping over the boundary we usually have, but she is much too captivating for my body to stop.

"Why don't you prove those claims?" I challenge her with a low voice, slowly taking a hold of the delicate hand she was still resting on my shoulder. She shudders under my touch and her face turns redder than the fallen leaves around us. For a moment we stay silent and I drown myself in the scent of her hair, revelling this unknown feeling in my heart. This.. attraction.

But before my other hand has a chance to touch her neck, I freeze and slowly step away from her, clearing my throat loudly and awkwardly. "I'm j-just joking! I must be tired from the exercise..." Releasing a nervous laugh I realise how upfront and unexpected my actions had been, so I hang my head guiltily; hoping I hadn't scared her.

"It's f-fine! I was joking as well.." Yui uttered a silent response and stepped down from the stone- still red as a tomato and timid as a startled rabbit.

We then resumed our walk towards the village with both of our gazes either on the ground or up at the tree tops.. anywhere that faced the opposite direction of the other really.

I also didn't dare say anything else, for I was sure she felt embarrassed by my actions. I mean-.. who could blame her?

I nearly..

kissed.. her.




"O-oi.. why do you both look like you read a page from my book? You didn't do anything funny on your way back, did you?" Kakashi wondered as he leaned against a railing, pointing out that Yui and Gai were both unusually red. The two adults stiffened at the perverted Jonin's remark, showing him a glare and delivering a firm slap to the head.


Yui then kindly bid the green clothed man goodbye as she entered her apartment and immediately collapsed on her butt, trying to contain her racing heart and the unknown feeling growing towards Might Gai.

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Surprise! It was Gai's point of view >:3 

As always, thank you so much for reading!
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