28 | Inner Turmoil

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Hiya, this was a request ~ sorry for the wait !)

From the ever growing mass of people in the room and hallway, me and Akina are probably the least drunk... or that's what I thought before I so gracefully hit my head against a pillar while trying to keep up with her.

"O-oi wait a little, the room is spinning like crazy." I managed to grab her arm before she could slip away and she nodded whilst coming to a halt. She noticed the red spot on my forehead and let out a small gasp before rubbing it soothingly.

"Did you hit something? Does it hurt?" She asked with a slightly hushed tone, trying not to attract the attention of the people around us.

"Yeah... but I don't feel pain right now, so I'm fine." I chuckled and let the dizziness fade away before perking up and smiling at her. Her eyes widened at my response and she very innocently took my drink and dumped it into the nearby flower pot.

"That's enough for this evening Missy!" She said as she brought her fingers to my arm and pinched me; shaking her head once receiving no reaction in response. "Definitely enough." She added and took my wrist to continue guiding me somewhere.

"What do you have in mind? Where are you taking me?" I demanded as she dodged the other guests and pulled me along.

"We're going to find that man of yours! Where did you say he was sitting.. at the couches?" She beamed excitedly, completely contrasting my now face of horror.

"Just wait a second Akina, why?" I dug my heels into the floor and made her stop by a relatively quiet spot in the room. She turned to look at me and raised her brow in question.

"Because you need to claim your man and assert dominance before someone else will, duh." She replies like it is something completely obvious. My eyes widened in shock as I contemplated what was more surprising- the fact that someone I just met was acting like my best friend, or the fact that her boldness sees no limits whatsoever.

"I don't know w-what to say.." I stuttered out silently, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her words.

'What am I supposed to do then, sit on his lap? I can't just barge into their conversation and do something like that... can I?'

"Gosh you look so confused right now! It's adorable." Akina laughs whilst I ponder the endless questions in my mind and allow my gaze to wander around the room. 

Gai is still chatting there on the couch but this time around the women have become a little too touchy... making my jealousy boil.

She is right, someone will assert dominance tonight if I wont do it first. 



"What's with the look? Pour yourself some more sake~ the girls will have another round as well, right?" Ebisu slurs drunkenly as he winks at the women that have been hanging around us for at least 40 minutes now

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"What's with the look? Pour yourself some more sake~ the girls will have another round as well, right?" Ebisu slurs drunkenly as he winks at the women that have been hanging around us for at least 40 minutes now. I sigh and politely decline the invitation to get wasted and instead push the bottle aside and decide to look around for a bit. 

The lack of familiar faces makes me groan irritably as there is nobody to pull me away from here. The phase of 'sensible conversation' with Ebisu and Iruka has passed, so I'm left listening to their dirty talk and drunken stories... which I quite honestly do not find very interesting. 

"You look stressed Gai... shall I help you relax?~" A young lady suddenly speaks from beside me, batting her eyelashes in a weird and rushed way. Startled, I lean away from her and make sure I have my personal space before shaking my head and smiling.

"I appreciate the worry, but that wont be necessary... uh- Nana?" 

"It's Erika."

Not even close.

"Yes, Erika..." I nod and quickly lose interest as my head falls into my hands and I'm forced to stare into space again.

The night has been entertaining and quite fun as I have gotten to know new people and managed to loosen up from recent piled-up stress. I've delivered my gifts to everyone and received some... and yet something is amiss. 

Yes... her absence is starting to agitate me greatly and hiding it behind this smile will not last for long.

I tried to find her after she ran off earlier, but was pulled aside by Ebisu and Iruka. With Yui disappearing completely and these guys keeping me here,- I'm literally bored out of my mind.

My eyes wander from the drunkards at the couches to the noisy people behind them and lastly to the figure in a distinct black kimono, standing alone in the middle of a group of men that seem a bit too close for comfort. I perk up immediately upon seeing her and attempt to stand up, but a sudden weight on my shoulders stops me. I turn my head in utter confusion and frown at the sight of Erika clinging to me.

"What's the rush~? I still haven't told you about the thing I had in mind."

"Out with it." I demand a bit too harshly, surprising even myself as she blinks in shock and struggles to find her words. She starts playing with her hair and mumbling incoherent words as if trying to come up with a quick excuse; irritating me further.

While focusing my attention on her I miss a loud commotion in the background that causes everyone to gasp and jump in shock.

I turn my head to the sight of Yui being harshly pushed against a table by a man much bigger than her. Half-filled glasses shatter upon contact with her body and fall to the floor with a loud crash as she weakly pushes herself to stand and tries to remove some of the shards that seem to be sticking to her palms.

An unfamiliar woman rushes to her side and starts screaming at the man which captures the attention of everyone; even those that aren't in the same room as us.

Unseen rage fills my heart as I stare at her trembling form struggling to keep steady and not fall to the floor. Her tearful eyes threaten to spill at any second as the man spits curses at them and stumbles closer threateningly. 

Without wasting another second I bring my arms to my shoulders and detach the hands that Erika was still keeping there and start walking towards the scene with a sudden urge to open an inner gate or two.

Without wasting another second I bring my arms to my shoulders and detach the hands that Erika was still keeping there and start walking towards the scene with a sudden urge to open an inner gate or two

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(Yeahhhh this chapter sucked- I'm sleep deprived T-T)

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