27 | Questions

426 20 10

(I'm sorry it's been a while, I'm suffering from lack of motivation right now so I tried to post something at least. It's a long chapter so I hope you enjoy!)

I gulp silently as Kurenai and Iruka knock on the backdoor and chat with each other about games and bets, making me kind of nervous. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed any alcohol, so naturally my tolerance would be lower than before... I'll have to watch myself if I don't want to spend the next day in the bathroom, begging for the gods to spare my life.

"Ah, Kurenai! Iruka, you have arrived." Asuma greets the two happily before looking over their shoulders and spotting me in the dark. "Yui as well?" He smiles in surprise, looking at Kurenai with a curious gaze. 

"Hope you don't mind?" She grins as she wraps her arms around his shoulders and gives him a hug.

"Not at all! Come on in everyone, the warm air is escaping." He replies cheerfully and I quickly step inside the mansion and get out of the way as he slides the door closed. He then snakes his arm around Kurenai's waist and starts leading the way towards the festivities. Iruka and I trail behind them as they start catching up and laughing; seemingly forgetting about our existence as they sink into their own little world of love. 

We glance at each other in amusement before giggling and shaking our heads. Get a room you two.

"Oi, about time you all came, we're about to start with the feast." Kakashi unexpectedly appears from behind a corner in a plain white yukata, looking pleased upon seeing me among the guests. Asuma and Kurenai walk past him into a room that seems to be full of chatter, leaving us three to greet each other in the hallway.

"H-hey! I guess I tagged along as well.. are you surprised?" I asked a bit awkwardly, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Nope, I expected you to come." He says honestly before looking over at Iruka; staring at him a bit longer than I usually see him do. Iruka seems to notice this as well as he raises a brow and awkwardly averts his eyes to me. 

"what's with him?" He whispers to me.

"No clue." I shrug nonchalantly and start walking, excited to see who the other guests are and how many of them I actually know. 

I manage to take a few steps forward before Kakashi decides to jump scare me right by the doorway. "He's been waiting for you by the way." He says next to my ear- earning a frightened yelp in response. 

"YAH!" I slap his shoulder and jump back, crashing against Iruka who places his hands on my shoulders to stop me from stumbling further. "Stop it! I hate your sneak attacks!" I hiss irritably, slowly realising what he had just said to me. 

"What do you mean by that! Who has?" I ask with a suspicious look on my face whilst I compose myself from the scare. Kakashi's eyes squint a little as if a smug smile was slowly finding it's way onto his face beneath the mask.

"Him." He says ominously and points behind me.

"Who..?" I spin around curiously and freeze upon seeing the only man that can rock a green jumpsuit in this village,- only that currently he's wearing a blue yukata that seems to struggle with keeping his wide chest hidden from view. 

He tilts his head a little in confusion as he looks down at me, obviously not understanding why I was jumping around crashing at people- or why I was blushing so much. He slowly removes his hands from my shoulders and raises his gaze at Kakashi, eyeing him suspiciously. 

"What did you say to her? Don't tell me-" Gai began, but Kakashi silenced him immediately.

"No, I didn't read her anything from my book... she can do that herself~." Kakashi laughed deviously as Gai dragged his hand across his face, disapproving of his rival's perverted behaviour and thoughts. He then turned his attention back at me and waved his hand in front of my face slightly. 

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