21 | Tales and Octopus Balls

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Hello! I'm writing this on a plane since I'm going on a vacation, so I'm sorry if the chapter is too confusing or has too many mistakes or something!  ' ▽ ' )ノ


"No, no Lee you're doing it all wrong, it is supposed to be in a shape like this." Yui chuckles as she picks out her ball of takoyaki and puts it in front of the boy for reference.

"Oh I see, I will try to make it better!" Lee smiles and continues working on the piece of batter and octopus, hoping to make it the correct shape this time. Grabbing a hair clip from her pocket Yui gently sweeps his bangs aside so he could see better and pats his shoulder as encouragement. She then turns her head to the other side to check how Naruto and Ino were doing.

"This is how you do it, dattebayo!"

She gasps and squints her eyes as Naruto aggressively pounds the rice with a wooden mallet, causing bits to fly across the kitchen- including Yui's face. "Naruto you're applying too much force!" She scolds before hurriedly grabbing the mallet and demonstrating how it's properly done.

"You mush the rice gently yet with enough force to create the right consistency." She explains.

"But it says to pound the rice?" Ino tilts her head in question, rotating the recipe in her hands with a confused look on her face.

"That is correct but before you do that, you must go through this step. And it doesn't tell you to destroy the rice and spread it to my walls like some maniac." Yui sighs and hands them the mallet. "If we want the mochi to be extra soft and chewy, you must care for the dough like it was your own child." She smiles and Lee suddenly perks up.

"You... train the rice?" He asks curiously and everyone slowly turns their heads towards him.

"I... you know what Lee, just focus on the octopus balls, okay?" Yui tiredly exhales whilst the other two snicker in the background. She shushes them and leaves to prepare the living room for their newest tradition: story night.

Story night consists of cooking different kinds of foods together before eating inside a pillow-fort whilst Yui tells different types of stories from her travels. Sometimes it's a scary legend she overheard from a stranger, sometimes an experience she herself had. Nonetheless the three Genin seem to love her company and thus keep coming every week to have fun and learn new types of dishes.

Yui doesn't mind them coming around once in a while, as long as they keep their meetings a secret. If the rest were to find out... let's say Yui isn't very fond of an apartment flooded with hungry and noisy kids. She makes an exception for these three due to them helping her out with a certain task a few weeks back.

"What type of story do you want to hear this time?" Yui casually asks as she starts arranging the pillows into a fort like shape.

"Something scary!" Ino and Lee yell at the same time, much to Naruto's dismay.

"No way, I had nightmares after last time!" Naruto whined, pointing an accusing finger at Ino.

"You're just a scaredy cat, the stories aren't even that spooky." Ino laughs to which Lee seems to agree.

"I told a scary one last week didn't I? Let's not give poor Naruto nightmares this time." Yui smiled kindly, thinking of something less terrifying to tell.

" Yui smiled kindly, thinking of something less terrifying to tell

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