23 | Tension

467 22 14

"You are-!"

"Hoshigaki.. Kisame." Yamato silently muttered, slowly reaching his hand behind his back- presumably to grab a weapon or to form a hand seal.

"It seems I have been discovered." The shark-like man chuckled, slowly snaking his arm towards the object he had by his side while not breaking eye contact with us for even a second.

I was in such shock that I just stared at the cloaked man for a solid 15 seconds before coming to my senses and demanding answers. "Kisa! What are you doing here? And why do you look so sketchy? Are you doing bad things again?" I immediately bombarded him with questions, earning a seriously confused look from Yamato and a look of distaste from the man in question.

"You still haven't dropped that hideous nickname.." Kisame sighed in disappointment before showing us his signature smirk and pointing outside. "If you really want to know, why don't we have a little chat? We wouldn't want to disturb the customers after all~." He smiled ominously, obviously hiding something crucial. 

Yamato looked at me and we wordlessly agreed to proceed with caution.


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"Sensei, may I have your approval to use that technique?" Lee asks politely whilst interrupting Gai's exercise.

"You may, just make sure that Tenten and Neji are a safe distance away and you go only as far as the third gate." Gai smiled proudly before letting out a sharp breath due to the immense weight he was holding above his head. 

"Thank you Gai-sensei, I will train hard!" Lee bowed his head and ran off, excited to push himself to his limits and to obtain greater strength. 

Gai in the other hand was training his endurance by carrying a boulder 6 times his size and weight. By doing this for 20 minutes a day, his body gets stronger and his stamina climbs an ever ascending ladder of improvement and youth.

"This should do for now." He huffs as he throws the boulder aside and wipes the sweat off his forehead. He then sits down on the grass and looks at his calloused hands,- furrowing his brows upon realising how rough and.. uninviting they look.

When listening for advice from other guys, he'd often hear that women don't prefer the gym beasts like many are lead to believe. They actually like a softer- charming individual who doesn't smell like sweat. A man who calmly waits for the rain to pass, instead of the one who runs right through without a single care in the world. 

These thoughts sadden Gai, for he doesn't want to change himself so he could fit the perfect picture. He hopes to be enough to her just the way he is,- but how could he be.. when there are so many others that fit the description of the supposed 'ideal man'?

"She wouldn't hold a hand like mine.. they never do." He mumbles gloomily, allowing his body to fall back on the grass and stay there until he is ready to move again.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and doze off, loud breathing could be heard from somewhere nearby. He pushed himself up to lean on his elbows and was surprised to see a running Yamato with an extremely distressed look on his face. "Oi, Yamato!" Gai yelled, catching the male's attention who then ran over without a moment's hesitation.

"Gai! It's bad- it's!" Yamato took a moment to catch his breath before composing himself and calmly explaining the situation. "I am just a clone, but Yui and the main body are currently facing a dangerous S-rank criminal from Akatsuki. I met Kakashi on the way and sent him over there, but I myself stayed behind to alert as many Jonin as I possibly can." 

Gai's eyes widened and he immediately went to grab his flak jacket. "You did good by coming to find me, Akatsuki are unpredictable and dangerous foes." Gai said whilst checking that he had his weaponry secured in his pockets. "How many?" He then asked. 

"When I was sent to find you guys, there was only one.. but there could be more by now." 

"Alright, lead the way."



"So that's why you're here!? I can't believe you'd go down a path so dark... I thought you'd be better than this!" I spit at the shark man angrily whilst holding onto a struggling Kakashi who is being controlled by some type of strong genjutsu. 

Kisame and this Itachi guy just revealed that they are after Naruto,- or more specifically the tailed beast inside of him. I wont take a single step to the side before I give it my all to stop them from going further and hurting that sweet boy... even if it will cost me my damn life. 

Kisame might be an old acquaintance from a few years back, but he just stabbed Yamato and his partner made Kakashi scream by merely looking at him. I'll stop him no matter the ties we share.

"C-can you still fight?" I breathed out heavily, trying not to collapse due to Kakashi's weight and the pain in my legs. 

"I can, but I'm no match to both of them at the same time." Yamato panted, slowly walking over to me and Kakashi. He took a hold of him for me and I immediately took a protective stance in front of them. 

"You cover me with your vines, and I'll make it harder for them to engage. We'll be completely in defence mode, but at least that way we can stall for a while longer before the others arrive." I suggest and he nods, agreeing to my risky plan.

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Gai has something on his mind and it's getting unbearable.. do I smell a confession in the near future? (─‿‿─)

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