25 | Two Parts of A Whole

491 25 25

Done in a bit of a hurry, might edit later!! (╥_╥)

(Fun surprise at the end)


Yui pulled her face away in deep embarrassment as she realised what she had just done. With guilt tugging at her heart, she looks at Gai's face to determine whether she had made him uncomfortable. She did just kiss him out of nowhere, so it's only natural that he would feel shocked or even violated in some way.

"F-forgive me that wasn't...I-" Words failed to leave her mouth as she tried to explain her actions, but there was nothing she could say. Her face explained it all.

Gai was too shocked to speak or move, for he has never been approached so... boldly. "Did you just..?" He mumbled unsurely- still processing the moment of their unexpected intimacy.

"Aaah- I don't know what came over me, please forgive me..!" Yui panicked as she started wriggling in his arms, trying to get away from the situation and bury herself underground for the next 10 years.

Many things she has done in her life, but kissing a Jonin was never on her bucket list.

Gai then snapped out of his trance and immediately shook his head with a smile slowly making it's way onto his reddening face. "You kissed me." He grinned, still holding her securely in his arms like many times before.

"N-no need to announce it! I'm sorry okay?" Yui pushed her hands against his face and averted her gaze to escape the awkwardness and immense embarrassment. With the amount of resistance she was putting in, they could well lose their balance and fall into the river.

"Stop squirming!" Gai struggled as she kept pushing at his face, making it very hard to stand on the surface of the water and keep her from slipping away.

"I- I liked it..!" He suddenly yells, causing Yui to freeze and stop resisting. She slowly turns her head in disbelief and looks into his eyes to see if he was being serious or not.

Gai's dark hair gently sways in the wind, casting shadows upon his tinted cheeks and parted lips. His eyes soft and kind,- reflect his strong feelings like a mirror.

She's known him for well over 5 months now and lying is not something Might Gai falls under. He's shown support and kindness and has always made sure that she felt welcome in the village.

All those moments sparring together... all those times he'd taken her around the village on his precious spare time...

Yui can't find a single hint of dishonesty in those deep charcoal eyes.

'Is he for real?' Yui thought to herself as she found herself relaxing a bit. She was still beet red and averting her eyes, but she felt relieved that he hadn't just blatantly rejected her and dropped her in the river like some piece of meat.

"I-It must have been the moment you know? I didn't intend to do that... I guess I got carried away..!" Yui mumbled silently, hoping he'd understand and perhaps forget about the whole ordeal. He'd want that right?

"Really... so it was all on a whim and nothing more?" Gai asked with an offended voice, but Yui in her moment of shock didn't realise that he wasn't being serious.

"Of course not! I'd never take advantage of another person like that, who do you take me for?" She responded angrily, slightly pissed that he'd even assume something like that.

"I'm just messing with you, I know you well enough not to assume such things." Gai chuckled and cuddled her closer to his chest, amused by how flustered she was being. Yui silently gulped as she hesitantly wrapped her arm around his shoulders,- feeling more secure when able to hold onto something. "Let's go back to the village, we have to pay Kakashi a visit in the hospital or he'll get lonely." Gai announced as he slowly began walking out of the water, his long strides taking no more than 10 steps before reaching the shore.

He could have placed her down on the grass and let her walk by herself, but a certain feeling inside of him stopped him from doing so.

For the most part Gai has kept himself composed and distant due to his doubt of Yui ever liking him back.. but now that she has kissed him? He is starting to feel the thing Kakashi described as utter desire. After all, no matter how innocent or disinterested Gai may seem... he is still a man.

"Um.. does this mean.. that you're not angry with me?" Yui suddenly asks in a nervous voice, her breath tickling his skin as she holds her face right next to his.

Feeling air get stuck at the back of his throat, Gai slightly coughs and calms his racing heartbeat,- trying not to appear distracted. He momentarily stops walking and stares into space with an unreadable expression on his face, thinking whether it is a good idea to even look at her at the moment.

"Oi, are you listening to me?" Yui then asks in confusion, moving her hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever- seeing that most of his outfit was wet.

Gai slightly flinches as he feels an electrifying feeling course through her touch, making him feel like he could just melt into a puddle. He gives into the temptation and glances down at her, only to regret it instantly.

"Are you okay?" She asks worriedly whilst pressing her chest against him in order to get closer to his face. Stray droplets of water race down her cheeks, to her collarbone and across her cleavage- creating a sight quite irresistible to even someone like Gai, who rarely looks after women.

Unable to take it anymore, Gai dips his head under her chin and plants a soft kiss on her neck, earning a surprised yelp and that same electrifying feeling through his body.

"G-Gai?!" Yui's eyes open wide in surprise as she feels his lips move against her skin, sending pleasant shivers down her spine. She accidentally pushes against his chest as a reflex, but due to being a lot bigger than her, he doesn't seem too fazed about it.

After a few seconds he slowly removes his mouth from her neck, but doesn't immediately move away. His lips teasingly graze over her skin as he moves downwards towards her shoulder and collarbone, tempted for more.

Yui looks around the forest area nervously, hoping nobody would come around and see them in such a state. As much as she was shocked by his actions, she definitely didn't want him to stop.

But unfortunately, it seems their moment was short lived.

"Gai someone's coming.." She utters silently, pointing in the direction of the village with a hint of disappointment in her voice. He hums in response and composes himself as he carefully kneels down and let's her finally stand on her own.

When he glances at her face and sees the blushing mess he'd made of her, he feels his heart skip a beat and a deep blush of his own starting to appear.

Perhaps he'd been a bit too forward.


That was a long chapter, but very fun to write ;)

It was my first attempt at this type of thing, so I really hope it wasn't that bad.


Here is a picture drawn by @Jellyfists_ ! She is a very old reader of mine and was so kind to draw me this sketch!

Love it <3

Love it <3

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Oh and btw I'll decide on the new book soon, so you guys have til Christmas to vote for the one you would like me to write! It's on the chapter called [ Announcement! ]


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