15 | To Heal and Forgive

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Hmm... I lost this account somewhere again but got it back. Also decided to post a chapter. I'm not sure how often i'll post them however, cuz I lose interest veery easily and then at random times gain it back.

Also as i post these chapters rarely the story kind of changes from the very first plot I had in mind. I'm sorry for that ,:D the reason i didn't include much gai before was because I wanted to create more main character development before interactions with gai. But as i forgot what I intended to write in the first place lez go with gai - yui development now.


A man sits down on a stool, ready to gulp down a warm bowl of ramen noodles. His nostrils are filled with a delightful aroma as he brings the bowl closer to his face to take a deep sniff. His charcoal coloured eyes sparkle with utter glee as he breaks the chopsticks apart and brings his hands together in a chant. "Itadakimasu."

"I hope you enjoy our new special Gai!" The person behind the counter smiles whilst wiping a recently washed bowl with a cloth. Gai raises his face from the bowl for a second to give Teuchi, the shop owner a grin and a thumb before continuing to eat.

"I take that as a yes." Teuchi chuckles and places the bowl onto it's place on the shelf, before grabbing another one to dry.

It is a rather cold day and storm clouds seem to be massing near the village from the South. One would be wise to prepare for the worst and make sure their children are indoors. Storms during this time of the year are known to be extremely vigorous and sometimes even deadly. All shinobi present in the village will stay and wait for it's passing before any further mission assignments.

Tsunade wont take risks with any storm, for she once lost someone during a one.

"Say Gai, how has life been for you lately? I heard it has been tough on you jounins, having to deal with all kinds of bad people." Teuchi suddenly asks as he places down yet another dry bowl.

Gai clears his throat a little before taking a deep breath.

How had he been lately?

Well he has been taking it quite easy actually. His training with Lee is what's really been his priority these past few days. Gai is very invested in the technique that his father Dai only once ever showed him.

He'd also spend time occasionally thinking about Yui and how he wants to tell her how sorry he is for his actions the other day.

"Yeah... I haven't seen her for a while and I quite miss her actually." Gai admits rubbing the back of his neck embarrassingly. Teuchi rubs his chin knowingly and tells his daughter to attend to a customer that just came in.

"I'd say you go for the direct approach Gai. I don't know what you did and how serious it was, but my experiences with women advice you to just go and apologize." He says leaning over the counter slightly. Gai nodded to this and sipped the last bit of soup left from the dish and paid the older man before standing up.

"Thank you. I'll do just that." The man in the green jumpsuit grins and hops away probably on some roof.



As the approaching storm begins it's advance on Konoha, Yui and Team 7 are entering through the gates of the village.

First the sky darkens like a thick curtain was draped over it and then arrives the rain, and down it came as if the gods themselves were showing off their fury. Streets began to flood and earth-type shinobi were assigned to create mudwalls and paths for the water to drain out. Kakashi dispersed the team so they could go home as fast as possible and excused himself as he had to file in a report to the Hokage.

Yui was left on her own and the first thing she decided to do was of course rush for cover.

"I don't plan on getting sick!" She said to herself as she ran through the now slippery and muddy streets and dodged people who she came across. With every passing step however she could feel the wind getting stronger and she became slightly annoyed.

"I've had enough of this slippery grime!" Yui snaps as she looses a shoe into the filth. She does a handsign and freezes the street, thankful for being the only person there. She then casually slides forward, not giving a damn about the complaints she might get from doing that.



As I enter the stairwell of my apartment building, I take a break before going up. My heavy breathing echoes through the hallway and I wipe my wet face with my hand before slumping it down. "What a nice day." I mutter sarcastically and after a moment begin to ascend the stairs, almost tripping myself in the process.

I watch some neighbors carry a bunch of clothes in their arms hurriedly, probably from where they were drying in the sun. I wonder how often these storms occur? Konoha is usually pretty sunny as far as I know.

"Whatever, a warm shower is waiting for me." I continue my way up and finally reach my floor. Walking past the other apartment doors I fumble with my keys in hand, thinking about the relaxing warmth soon to grace my body and mind.

As I reach my door I place the key into the hole, only to be startled by a massive lightning strike nearby. I jolt my hand away from the handle and turn around to see a person crouching on top of the balcony railing, blocking the light emitted from the lightning.

"Gai..?" I gasp and watch him step down from the railing. I subconsciously fumble with my wet strands in an attempt to make myself a bit more presentable, but I doubt he even cares at the moment. He stops right in front of me and looks down, being a head taller after all.

"You have returned." He says, dragging some of his own hair away from his face. This messy hairdo is quite... different and I'd say it doesn't look bad on him. He actually looks dare I say,- sexy. I smile nervously and nod about to reply, but am interrupted by his next unexpected move.

He bends down and reaches his arms behind my back before firmly pulling me against his body, causing my chest to press against him.

"Forgive me for the other day, I was rude and did not know how to act." He then says, soothing my ears with his deep voice.

My eyes widen slightly in shock and I slowly place my hands on his back to return the cold and wet hug. "It's okay Gai, I... understand." I say into his chest, which comes out in muffled words.

Afterwards I sent him on his way and then went inside myself.

To be surrounded by people like him, Kakashi and the kids...

truly is nice.

truly is nice

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