04 | Thoughts

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"What are you thinking about?" Asami suddenly asks, breaking the silence.

"Hm? Oh, just about some stuff in the past, nothing too important." I reply nonchalantly and continue packing clothes and other necessities needed for living in an apartment. It has been a hectic couple of days with doctors and nurses fussing around with their x-ray jutsus and tests, trying to determine whether I can actually leave and be by my own.

I haven't lived in a house of any sort since.. well, my home back at the mountains. I think it's quite obvious by now, that I've been pretty antisocial with my way of living. So all that is happening right now is a huge leap for me.

"I see." She mumbles and we stay quiet for a while before she speaks again. "You haven't told me about your family or where you live. Is it because you want to return to them, that you feel like you wont fit here?" She wonders curiously, sounding pretty determined.

I stand up from my bed as I finish with the packing and turn to look at her with a casual expression.

"I.. lost all of those. There is nobody to go back to." I calmly reply and her bright smile slowly gets replaced by grief.

"O-oh.. I'm so sorry... I didn't think-" She brings a hand over her mouth and looks at the floor with a regretful expression on her face.

"Don't worry about it Asami, there is no need to be sorry." I flash her a grin and put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. She slowly nods and decides to leave me alone for a moment so I can collect my thoughts and prepare to move out.

I faced my demons a long time ago when the memory of the hellish beast was just a few months old. I've battled the idea of ending it all for years.. so now that I've come this far, there is truly no need to be sad. 

Not anymore.




Here it is, the moment I've been anticipating and dreading for weeks. Settling down.

After being bedridden for a month and spending all of my time in either the hospital or the garden, I am finally out. Free of constantly depending on the nurses to make my bed and feed me food... free of being babied. 

At first I thought I'd never stay here and would leave the moment I got the chance, but by meeting Asami and Gai... I have embraced a new way of thinking; a positive and challenging one, instead of my previous 'dark and gloomy all day every day' one. How odd isn't it? For years to be a certain way, only for a nurse and some overly enthusiastic man to change your very way of viewing the world. 

Socializing actually does you wonders if you give it a chance.

"I'm kind of excited." I smile as I stroll down the busy streets of Konohagakure; the most powerful of all five villages. It is said that here the warring period took it's final turn when the other countries followed the example of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju and his counterpart, the leader of the Uchiha Clan; Madara. They sure left their marks on the world with the whole shinobi village system and overall coolness. 

To be here is an honor... also nobody knows this, but seeing the Hokage Rock is actually a secret dream of mine. I'll go ahead and have a look at it when I get the chance!

In deep thought I fail to pay attention to where I was going and bump against someone, the unexpected collision causing me to drop the small booklet that I was carrying. 

 "I'm so sorry!" I gasp and bend down to pick it up, but the person is faster and hands it to me before I can even touch it. I look up to see a face covered by a mask and a Konoha headband. His striking silver-colored hair forms an interesting gravity defying shape, which I doubt is holding on with sheer willpower alone... there must be some hair gel involved. 

His uniform is the same as in the booklet; a green flak jacket with protective padding and multiple pockets for weaponry and other equipment. Usually worn by Chunin and higher, it also has a red swirl at the back which symbolizes unity between the shinobi villages. 

"It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention." He apologized and I carefully took the booklet from him when he extended it to me.

 "Uh, thank you." I say and try to relocate myself on the map I was following. When I fail to do so, I frown in frustration and release an exasperated sigh. He presumably takes it as his que to speak, so he clears his throat.

"You new here?" 

"Yeah kind of.." I reply and stuff the thing into my pocket.

"Well, if you're lost... I could perhaps help you find your way?" He suggests and I immediately accept his offer with a firm bow. "Yes! Thank you, I am trying to locate the Hokage's office.. it should be somewhere nearby right?" I ask and he nods, motioning for me to walk beside him. I gladly do and start following him as he quietly leads the way.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake, by the way."


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