30 | Lone Leaf

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Hiya please read the note at the end of this chap!~)

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Hiya please read the note at the end of this chap!~)



Shifting under the covers slightly, I flutter my eyes open upon the abrupt ending of my dream seconds prior. With the room being fully lit by the invading beams of sunlight, I decide to get out of bed since I find it difficult to sleep without complete darkness.

Slowly I push myself into a sitting position and stifle a yawn as I give my head a moment to clear up and place yesterday's happenings into order. After a moment of waking up and staring into the wall blankly, memories from yesterday start to sink in; flustering me.

"I... I am so embarrassed." I mutter into the blanket as I push my face into it, noticing that apart from a tiny headache- I was not experiencing any hangover symptoms. I don't really remember how much I drank yesterday, but am I glad that I didn't go overboard..! Otherwise I wouldn't be in bed right now- but in the bathroom.

Pulling my face away from the soft blanket I allow my gaze to wander down to my body and observe the numerous little bandages on my arms and torso. None is stained red, but sting a lot upon touch or movement- making me contort my face into a pained scowl as I sigh and stop poking them. I then notice the small dark bruises littered all over my midsection and thighs, confusing me for a split second before my gaze falls upon a discarded piece of clothing next to the bed.


My head slowly turns to the right as the last bits of yesterday evening start to settle in my hazy mind- allowing me to remember a certain someone who brought me home... and is laying right there without a shirt.

Hesitantly with a deep breath I inch closer to Gai's sleeping form as his back and shoulders rise and fall calmly, giving me a giddy feeling in my stomach. I place my hand on his back and lightly trace the crevices and bumps of his well-built figure; enjoying the warmth of his skin under my cold hand.

As much as I never saw myself giving or receiving anyone's romantic affections... I cannot deny that I am without doubt- in love. There is no denying it after we confessed our feelings and spent the night together in each others' arms like that.

"..Cold..." A groggy voice suddenly mumbles from beneath me, making me retract my hand and watch the man slowly prop himself up; his arms flexing ever-so-slightly as he does so. He then turns his body to face my direction as he starts rubbing his eyes tiredly. 

My gaze immediately falls to the blanket that lays loosely on his waist; allowing me a teasing view of his V-line. 

Look elsewhere Yui.

Just as I am about to turn my head away, one of his eyes peeks open and spots me ogling at his body, causing me to avert my eyes immediately in embarrassment. I'm not sure where my sudden shyness comes from, but I can't help it one bit.

I too wasn't wearing a shirt and had only a thin blanket to serve as a barrier between Gai's observing eyes and my hickey covered body. Quite the ridiculous 'barrier' knowing what this man can do, but it ought to keep me modest at least.

He seemed to be collecting his thoughts as he didn't say anything for a long while, but then I felt his weight shift closer to mine, so I took the chance to look up at him.

My eyes met his charcoal ones,- staring deep into them to see what he was thinking and feeling. Undoubtedly a feeling I could recognise immediately was joy, for Gai's eyes sparkle a certain way when he's in a good mood. The other feeling I could not pinpoint, so I guess I'll need to find out.

Leaning closer to his face, I flutter my eyes at him and place a hand on top of his bigger one. He just looks down at me calmly and waits for me to make a move, as if also curious about what was going inside my head.

"Did you sleep well?" I then ask with a soft smile, remembering perfectly that after our shower and the bandaging of my wounds- we both basically crashed and slept all the way through the night like babies. He smiles and leans in to place a gentle kiss on my forehead, intertwining our hands in the process.

"Better than ever." He replies and moves his attention to the bandages on my arms, cautiously poking them to see if I'd react. After receiving a hiss in response, he stops touching them and carefully moves my hair aside to see the marks he had left. A dark wave of crimson rushes to his face as his thumb caresses one of them, making me gulp a little in nervousness. 

"A-are they bad?" I ask timidly, making him chuckle. 

"Very..." He replies and I lightly smack his arm, terrified of the reaction I'd get if Kakashi were to see them. Gai retracts his hand and allows himself to fall back on the bed with a lighthearted grin adoring his features. I huff a little and attempt to exit the bed,- but a firm tug at my waist causes me to fall down next to him despite my protests. 

"You're not mad at me, are you?" He hums into my ear innocently, allowing his hands to slide up my arms and stop at my shoulders. 

"I..." My voice is cut off by the heavenly sensation of my sore shoulders being massaged expertly; relieving all the spots that could cause me discomfort later. My body perks up a little in surprise, but a small gesture to relax makes me sigh and give into his antics. He had all the power over me now. 

"I've never been truly mad at you..." I pout and close my eyes to enjoy the attention in full.

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I wrote two versions of this and I'm not sure if this is the one I wanted to publish but here you go! ~

(might edit later!)


SO, I'm not sure how long this story will be going, as the original plot has changed several times after publishing the book way back in 2019- [due to leaving wattpad and losing this account. 

The whole book is undoubtably a mess, so I plan to end this story soon to focus on the Tobirama one and make it better hopefully.

I did edit some of the earlier chapters last year, but to make the book make sense I would have to change the plot completely and that would be too much work. :,)

So I thank you for reading this far and making it through the cringe in the beginning!

Lone Leaf | Might Gai x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now