05 | New Life

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"Yes, she was proven innocent when further investigation was done." A woman with a pig on her shoulder explains to the woman known as Tsunade. She nods and glances at me, motioning for me to sit on the chair in front of her desk. I comply and suddenly feel like I'm being interrogated.

"What is your name?" She asks calmly. "Yui Akiyama." I reply and for a split second her eyes widen before going back to her passive stare. "Nice to meet you Yui. I am Tsunade Senju, the Hokage of this village as you probably guessed."

"Likewise." I nod and she smiles. "You might want your clothes back... they have been washed and patched by the hospital staff." She points at the neatly folded pile of clothes in the hands of her assistant who walks over to me. I swiftly stand up and extend my arms so she can place the clothes in my hands. I then turn my attention back at the Hokage who dangles a pair of keys from her hand.

"Here are the keys to your apartment, one is a spare key. I have given you a place from the same building as Kakashi, Gai and Kurenai, some of whom you've already met." She explains and hands me the metal object dangling on a chain. "Thank you!" I bow my head excitedly and turn around to show the keys to Kakashi and Gai, who had arrived for the occasion. Kakashi nodded in approval and Gai showed me a thumb, something he always does.

"Go on then, if you have any problems with your apartment.. well, you can find me here." Tsunade says and I nod, leaving her office with the two men.



I hold the keys in my hands with wonder as I try to grasp the idea of actually settling down. 'What should an apartment look like? How should I decorate? Do I have to pay for anything?' Endless questions flood my mind as we quietly stroll down the street with my new neighbors. 

The silence is soon broken though, by a certain guy.

"Yui are you feeling better now?" Gai asks worriedly as we head towards the apartment building. I turn to look at him and nod, showing him a reassuring smile.

 "Yeah I feel much better." I answer and he looks relieved.

 "You two know each other?" Kakashi then asks and we both nod.

 "Gai hospitalized me a month back... then forgot about it." I say casually and the man in question hangs his head in despair. "It was a misunderstanding..!" A gloomy aura surrounds him and the masked man chuckles. "It is rare to see you depressed, could you be losing your 'shine'?" Kakashi questions mockingly. 

Gai then suddenly snaps out of his gloominess and glares at the silver haired man. "I am not depressed nor losing my beautiful shine! It is the spring-time of my youth! I simply cannot be depressed!" He retorts and the volume of his voice increases significantly. 

"Hai, hai." Kakashi sighs and I giggle, making them both confused. "What is it Yui?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing." I smile, purposefully keeping them in the dark. How would they react if I said I found their bickering amusing?

Kakashi then continues the conversation with some more taunting remarks, causing Gai to challenge him to some 'Eternal Rival Competition'. I didn't really pay attention to what exactly they were talking about, but it sure was entertaining.

Time flies by fairly quickly as we joke around and get to know each other a bit better. I tell Kakashi how me and his friend first met and how he broke my toe. Gai then goes to apologize and the whole cycle starts over again. I'd say it's quite chaotic with these two... but I don't mind it. My life is pretty boring and a little bit of crazy wouldn't make it worse now would it?

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