18 | Girl Time

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"Oi, Kurenai! Come on, we're going to be late

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"Oi, Kurenai! Come on, we're going to be late." I yell from the doorway as I adjust the bag on my shoulder. 

"Hai, hai." She closes her balcony and walks over with a bag of her own. She then puts on her sandals and closes the door as we exit her apartment. "Where are we going anyway?" She asks with an amused look on her face as we start walking towards the stairwell. 

"To the hot springs of course! Others are already waiting." I smile and she raises a brow, looking at me with those unique red-colored eyes.

"Who got that idea? Also who's others?" She inquires kindly, holding the door for me as we exit the apartment building. 

"Well, we were talking with Asami and Shizune the other day and since everyone has been working very hard.. we decided it's time for a spa day. An all girls spa day~." I explain and her expression brightens up. 

"A spa day huh, haven't had one of those in along time. Sounds like a much needed rest!" 

"Exactly! Now let's hurry there."



Combing my hair into a simple ponytail, I feel the strands to determine whether there are any bumps or not

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Combing my hair into a simple ponytail, I feel the strands to determine whether there are any bumps or not. I then step away from the mirror and do a quick spin to make sure that my towel was on right. Once content with my look, I put the brush inside my bag and close the locker. 

"Ready?" Kurenai asks from behind me, sporting a similar ponytail look. I turn around with a wide grin and show her a thumb. She then starts giggling and I slowly lower my arm,- confused.


"Nothing, you just reminded me of something." 

I tilt my head in confusion but shrug it off as she hooks her arm around mine and starts leading me towards the hallway. We pass a few other changing rooms before reaching the end of the corridor where the entrances to all of the hot springs are. 

"It's this one." I point at the red sign that has the number 3 on it and motion for Kurenai to follow. We come outside to an area with a pool of steaming turquoise water,- surrounded by high bamboo fences and black volcanic rocks. The air carries a sweet scent of mint, which I presume is due to some kind of paste that gets added into the water to give it that fresh effect.

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