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Hey! It has been a while, but I'm starting to gain some motivation back!

To make up for the wait, here is a loooooong chapter !

(Spicy stuff at the end~ 🌶)

"Gai that's enough!" Asuma holds back the furious Jonin who without restraining would beat the man in front of them until there would be no recognisable features left.

"Step aside Asuma!" Gai growls irritably as he pushes against the arm that was firmly halting his movement.

"Come on, you broke his nose with that blow!" Asuma retorts and roughly pushes him back to create distance between the bleeding man and his fuming counterpart.

"I was aiming to break his face." Gai replies darkly and steps back to be closer to Yui who was trying to clear her head and make sense of the situation at hand.

Gai may be known as the 'less lethal' of the bunch due to his habit of leaving his enemies alive rather than dead. But when seeing Yui being treated in a violent way like that... it's easier to say he just lost his mind for that split second of action.

There were no flashy ninja moves or a moment's consideration of one's wellbeing- no. Nothing of sort.

It was a raw and anger driven punch to the face, meant to break the target; which he partly succeeded in. Given a few extra seconds and he would've succeeded completely.

"You little shi-... what the hell do you think you're doing!? The wench insulted me first!" The man suddenly screamed, pointing his blood covered finger towards Yui who managed to send a glare his way. He then straightened his brown coloured haori and took a step closer to her, which was met with a similar action from Gai and Asuma.

"And that justifies what you just did to this woman?" Asuma asks in disbelief, now beginning to lose his cool as well. This man wasn't someone he knew, which meant that he most likely came in uninvited through some mutual connections.

Asuma cursed under his breath and considered himself a fool for thinking that everything would go smoothly when so many guests were attending the party. He should've pushed aside the drinking like a good host and made sure that nobody like this... worm of a man slithered inside... oh boy was he mad at himself.

Now Gai was fighting the urge to kill a person that dared to lay a hand on his woman.

'Just great.' Asuma thought.

Gai raises a brow in suspicion of the man's words before he turns to Yui and seeks her face for answers. Her eyes and trembling lips show nothing but discomfort and stress as she looks around frantically- quite obviously trying to focus in her drunken state.

He would normally judge this situation as an act of pure misunderstanding from both parties,- if it weren't for Yui keeping her chest area closed in a way that practically screams 'my personal space was violated'.

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