13 | Deception

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Whether I have gone completely mad or I have absolutely outdone myself. Never would I, in a million years have thought to be able to steal a legendary sword from an S-ranked criminal. 

However, no matter how cool my stunt was.. there is no time to rejoice. What I did, not only came with a prize of survival which I am grateful of, but also with a risk. My ultimate move Absolute Zero takes 80% of my chakra and drains me greatly. If I wont find Yataro in time and return to the village, bad things might happen.


"Sensei! A word got out that the missing person we came here for, just returned to the village." Sakura shouts as she jumps up to a rooftop where the rest of her companions are situated at. Kakashi's eye narrows upon hearing this and he turns around to scan the streets, suddenly spotting a mass gathering of people near the fish market a few houses away.

"Is there any information on Yui yet?" Naruto asks from the pink haired girl with hope in his eyes, but Sakura shakes her head. His head droops down and his expression darkens.

Kakashi suddenly sneezes loudly and chuckles a little in embarrassment before turning serious again with a cough.

"We should investigate this missing person further. They might know some intel." He says and pats Naruto's head before leaping off the roof. Sasuke follows and Sakura motions for Naruto to cheer up as she goes after them. Naruto lingers for a moment, looking at the sky.

'I know she will be alright. She's strong... but I can't help but worry for her.'

Shortly after, they enter the crowd and push through the people to unveil who the person in the middle might be

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Shortly after, they enter the crowd and push through the people to unveil who the person in the middle might be. Getting through the last person in the way, Kakashi finds himself staring at the green haired woman from the inn they stayed at. She spots him and exhales in relief as if they are exactly what she was looking for. 

She walks over to them and places her hands on Kakashi's chest.

"You are the one! Yataro Shimura came here with haste, informing me that your companion is in great peril!" She says and puts her forehead in his chest in despair.

"In peril? Where is she and where did Mr. Shimura go?" Kakashi asks, not fazed by her unnecessary closeness. She wipes her eyes dramatically and steps back a little before pointing towards the direction of his family home. "He went to his loved ones, but your companion wont last long! You should forget him and go find her." She warns.

"Where can we find her?" Sasuke asks and the woman points towards the Yagiri forest at the outskirts of the village. Without another thought, the group heads out.


I've been looking for an hour now and there is no sign of him. This is either a bad sign or a good sign but I can't just take the risk and leave, for Yataro could be out here. 

Luckily Mister shout and explode with anger is at least in some way out of the game, because those frost bites wont heal naturally and tend to hurt a lot. I can say that from experience.

"Hm?" My train of thought is suddenly interrupted as I hear rustling, so I stop at the next branch to scout the ground area, making sure I'm hidden among the leaves. The sun is low and the forest is darker, making me feel a bit unsafe. 

As I listen to the eerie sounds of the forest, I follow the rustling and spot something exiting a bush.

My eyes aren't very quick to adjust to the dark, so I blink heavily to try and figure out the silhouette that has made it's way to a clearing. 

If I can't make out who the person is by sight,- then with my hearing I definitely can, since that heavy breathing is way too loud and I'd recognize it everywhere.


I hop down from the tree and cautiously walk up to him. He turns around with an expression of utter fright, but exhales in relief after seeing it was only me behind him.

"Yataro I am so glad you made it! do you have any injuries?" I ask and scan his arms and face to see various cuts, some of which are still bleeding. Yataro instead hastily places his hands on my shoulders and calms his breathing before speaking.

"Yui you must go, now! This is a tra-!" Yataro stops mid sentence and suddenly as if on cue a figure appears behind him. With my swift reactions I try to push the old man out of the way but without avail, as a kunai gets sunk in to his flesh and he falls to his knees. I catch him and jump a good 10-meters away, throwing a bunch of shuriken at the attacker mid flight. The enemy jumps out of their way and lands on the other end of the clearing, watching as I tend to the wounded man.

'This is bad. The kunai got stabbed very close to his kidneys and a few other vital organs. He might not survive'. I sweatdrop and grit my teeth as I think about my next action to either: take care of the kunai now, or escape and take care of it later

"Damn it." I hiss and scoop a small piece of wood from the ground and stick it in to Yataro's mouth. "This is going to hurt, so prepare yourself." I warn and he weakly nods, turning around so his back faces me. I grab the handle of the kunai and with one swift pull take it out, placing a clean cloth from my breast pocket onto the wound to absorb some of the pouring blood. Yataro screams and I can hear his teeth biting onto the piece of wood I gave him. 

He nearly passes out due to the pain and I feel so bad for causing it to him.

'forgive me'.

If I hadn't placed the wood piece into his mouth he would've bitten off his own tongue.

As I turn my attention back at the attacker, their kunai is merely an inch away from my eye. With adrenaline spiking my actions I raise my arm and let them stab my palm instead of my face. I whimper in immense pain as my own blood splatters across my cheek. Sliding my left foot back to gain more balance I use my free arm to grab the last sharp object in my thigh pocket and stab them in the face, only to hear a crack of something... hard?

As the enemy stumbles back, the moon rises into the sky revealing the person as... Haku. I furrow my brows in anger and spite as his mask breaks in half and falls to the ground, revealing his emotionless face beneath.

"We meet again."


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