09 | No Going Back

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Here is a slightly longer chapter ^^ 

sorry for the wait ;-;


"Why are we leaving so early in the morning? We barely got to rest our eyes!" Sakura complains as she begins to pack up the tents with the two boys. Sasuke glances at her with a displeased look, as he is most certainly not in the mood to hear any of her whining. "Stop complaining, there isn't anything we can do about it." He crumbles which earns a gulp from the girl.

"Those two are just having a relaxing tea-time over there aren't they!? Making us do all the work..." Naruto pouts and looks at the two adults that seem to be having a conversation. They can't even hear what they're talking about, which is why the situation is even more annoying.

"Oi, out of my way klutz!" Sasuke yells at Naruto who stepped on his foot. Naruto drops the bag he was carrying and rolls up his sleeves. The Uchiha furrows his brows and drops the box he was holding as well. "You want to die?" He threatens and steps closer to the Uzumaki. Naruto grits his teeth and bumps heads with him, ready to fight him right here and now.

"Stop it you two!" Sakura separates them by pulling them apart, sending them flying in the process due to her strength. 

This morning is rather... chaotic.

"Are you sure?" Kakashi asks whilst watching the sunrise. 

Yui nods stuffing her hands in to her pockets. "While I was scouting the area last night, I found a body. It was covered in long sharp needles that had all been directed to vital points. Struggle was evident... it was a murder." She explains and pulls one of her hands out to show him a needle. It is covered in dried blood and Kakashi grabs it to inspect it closer. 

"We were informed that this area is safe enough for genin, there have been no such incidents in 10 years..." He mumbles and puts the needle in to his pouch. "Since we have found something like this, we have to be more careful with executing the mission." He says and looks at her.

"Yes, we are too far away from Konoha to send them back, besides we have to follow orders." Yui notes to herself and glances at the trio. They are in danger if the person who killed the man in the forest is somewhere nearby. She will have to be close to them at all times from now on.

"Are you done with the packing?" She asks and starts walking towards them with a passive aggressive smile. The genin stop fighting immediately and flinch every time she cracks a knuckle.

"You better be done before I get there, you have 20 seconds left!" She chuckles evilly and watches them run around like headless chickens.


"We have arrived!" Naruto rejoices and leans on Yui out of exhaustion.

"Yes we can see that..." Sasuke mutters and wipes his forehead, trying not to show how exhausted he is as well.

"Let us find ourselves a place for the night and begin looking for the missing person." Kakashi says and begins leading the group through the streets of the small fishing village.

The air is misty and the ground is damp and muddy. Only a few people are outside and even fewer seem to be kind enough to tell them where the nearest inn is. They seem very isolated and spooked, as if they're afraid of something.

"Excuse me." Yui walks over to a woman and asks for directions kindly. The woman puts down her bag and moves her hands as if doing handsings. Naruto gets alarmed, thinking that she is using a technique on her, but Kakashi assures him that she is alright. The woman was merely speaking in sign language. Yui starts moving her hands as well, baffling the others.

"I would've never guessed that she could speak in sign language." Sakura admits and Naruto nods, mimicking her awestruck expression.

"Okay guys I know where we can stay for a few days." Yui smiles and walks over to them. Kakashi smiles back under his mask and shows her a thumb. She has truly changed... from the closed up person she used to be.

Not long after, the group steps inside a small house where people are a bit more lively then at the streets. "A bar?" Sakura raises a brow and Yui chuckles. "Yes, but there are rooms that we can rent for a few nights. Let me book us a one!" She explains and walks over to the bartender that is wiping the tables. "Hello, could me and my companions rent a room for a few nights?" She asks.

The woman smiles, motioning for them to follow her. "Yes, of course. Right this way." She then grabs a bunch of keys and tells her friend to take over while she shows the group to their room. As they ascend the stairs, she starts a casual conversation.

"Did you come here from afar?" She asks and Naruto prepares to answer, but silences himself as he notices the woman asked this question particularly from Kakashi.

"Yeah we did walk a few days to get here." He rubs his neck and chuckles nervously.

"Oh! You can stay here for longer if you want, I can show you around~." The woman bites her lip slightly, which causes him to gulp and Yui to hold her breath. "I uh, well..." Kakashi glances at his companions but everyone is averting their gazes. 

"So it is decided?" She then asks, touching his arm ever so slightly. Kakashi flinches and looks at Yui for assistance, but she is just holding her nose, trying not to burst out laughing. 'This is priceless!' She thinks to herself.

"I-I we'll see! As of now I'm pretty busy, thank you for the offer." He waves his hands in front of his face nervously. The woman smiles and opens a door for them. "Alright." She replies and motions for everyone to enter. Naruto hands her a bag of coins and closes the door after himself.

Sakura bursts out laughing and Kakashi furrows his brows in distaste. "Now... wasn't that funny?" He mumbles.

"I thought that kind of behavior happens only in dramas! That was hilarious!" Sakura holds her stomach and Naruto starts snickering, not able to contain the urge to laugh any longer. Even Sasuke cracks a smile.

"Kakashi~ do you want to go and have a walk with me?" The blonde mimics the woman and a vein pops on the man's forehead.

"Alright everyone, stop laughing." Yui coughs and looks serious all of a sudden. "Go and unpack, we will be beginning our mission tomorrow and you have to leave the sleeping bags and tents here." She says and shoos them.


"So..." Kakashi starts, to get the attention of the woman next to him who is rolling a sleeping bag on the floor. She turns her head slightly to see him in her peripheral vision and raises a brow in question.

"Does this village in your opinion fit the description that Tsunade gave us?" He moves the curtains slightly to the side as he observes the street below. She shakes her head and stands up. 

"No. Something is off. The townsfolk are too timid and secrets seem to linger in every corner we walk into." She replies honestly and Kakashi nods, agreeing with her. 

There is definitely something off about this place.

There is definitely something off about this place

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