12 | A Demon and a Ninja

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Yo, I deleted Wattpad for a long time and well I downloaded it back a week ago and if I wont be busy I'll continue this story some more ,:D

Anyway here is a new chapter!


The heavy breathing of Yataro can be heard in the dark hallways as the two walk forward on their tippy toes. Yui is as silent as her prowess possibly allows her, meaning she produces minimum amount of sound, whilst the chunky man behind her causes the floorboards to creak on every step. Yui knows that even a partially deaf person could hear such unbelievably loud noise.

"Can you shift your weight a bit more evenly? You're creating too much noise." Yui whispers and stops to look around.

"What does that even mean?" He whisper-shouts and the kunoichi immediately clasps a hand over his lips, mouthing 'be quiet'. The man shuts up with a nervous gulp and she slowly retracts her hand. 

Yui then narrows her eyes and locks her gaze on a dark hallway to her right. She feels a chilly breeze creeping on the floor from there, wrapping around her ankles like vines. Then a low growl resonates from somewhere in the compound and Yataro starts trembling. It's not clear where exactly it came from, but it sounded demonic and pissed off. 

This can't be good.

They wait in complete silence for a few moments before they hear a loud crash followed by a yell.

"Where the fuck are you!?"

Yui didn't wait for another second as she grabbed Yataro's arm and begun running like a madman towards the opposite direction of the ballistic rogue ninja.

'He has a frightening temper...' She thinks as she turns corner after corner without finding an exit and curses as chances of survival are getting slim. 

While Yataro regains his breath, Yui listens to the oddly silent compound. "When did it get this quiet?" She grits her teeth. "So he is looking for us like this huh? I doubt a brute like him can stay quiet for long before exploding in anger again." She whispers as she looks at both directions of the hallway before lowering her gaze to her hand, an idea popping to her mind.

"We can't keep running around like this, he will find us." She says and turns to face the possibly very thick rock wall. Yataro glances at her with extreme worry in his eyes. "You can't... p-possibly.. be thinking-"

"Yes. I am."

They can't continue to run like headless chickens, so the only way out faster is by tearing through the walls, which will at some point lead them outside. In theory. 

She weaves a few signs, preparing for a powerful blast. "I advice you to get behind me." She warns before taking a deep breath and releasing a breath of icicles. The snowy projectiles hit the wall with a satisfying sound of shattering ice, but don't seem to do the job. Yui stops the jutsu and steps closer to the wall to inspect the hole. She waves her arm to disperse the dust in the air and places her hand against the spot where the ice had hit the wall.

'You must be kidding me.'

"Metal. The walls are metal from inside." Yui says in disbelief and turns her head to look at her fellow escapee. 

With the limited amount of time, she will not be able to break through metal.

"Found you."

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