06 | Climate Change

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"Uh, should we stop the fight here?" Gai sweat drops as he and the other Jounin watch the fight between Yui and Kakashi.

"Why? It's only getting interesting!" Anko smirks and observes the fight closely.

"I agree with Gai. Yui has coated the whole arena in a thick layer of ice." Asuma holds his sides as the freezing air bites his skin.

Yui had used her ultimate move Absolute Zero, which is basically an areal climate change. And since she is immune to cold, she has an upper hand with the opponents who are not.

"Ugh fine. Let's stop the fight here." Anko pouts and slumps back on her seat while Kurenai shakes her bell indicating that the battle was over. Yui and Kakashi stop moving and turn their attention towards the others.

"It's finally over huh? I'm almost out of chakra..." Yui chuckles weakly and slowly the ice begins to evaporate. She takes a step forward but collapses on one knee and Kakashi rushes to her side worriedly.

"Yui are you alright?" He asks as he holds her shoulders.

"Yeah, it's just... I get weak when I use that much chakra." She smiles and watches as the others walk over to them.

"You did really good fighting all of us Yui! The extent of your chakra and durability is astonishing." Gai smiles and her eyes seem to light up with this compliment. 

"But taijutsu doesn't seem to be your strength." Anko adds and Yui nods, knowing this very well. Kakashi helps her up and gives her a pat on the shoulder before stepping aside.

"Your ice style is very intriguing." Ebisu notes whilst rubbing his chin in thought. "You seem to have mastered it's use, judging by how confidently you casted that difficult jutsu, no?" He wonders, pushing his black glasses further up his nose bridge.

"Oh- uh.. yes. I am more skilled with ice than the other elements, in my opinion at least." She replies and from her shaky voice it is quite evident that she is exhausted. Seeing this, Kurenai decides to wrap it up and let her rest. 

"Alright thank you for coming here today Yui. You can go and relax now." She smiles and they all begin to head towards the exit.


Gai and Kakashi decide to tag along with Yui, because why go separate ways when the path ends at the same destination anyway?

"Should we go grab something to eat? I'm starving after all that.." Yui exclaims and imagines all the delicious food while licking her lips. 

"Brilliant idea, I'd like some ramen to fill myself." Kakashi nods while drooling a little himself.

As the three are about to leave the building, Yui clutches her side as if in pain. This goes unnoticed by the two men, or so she thought.

"Yui are you hurt?" Gai asks suddenly, causing her to freeze.

"No." She replies softly and walks forward, pain evident on her face. Gai is not satisfied with her answer so he makes her stop and raises her shirt ever so slightly, to see a medium sized bruise on her right rib. "Gai it's not that bad." She blurts after seeing his expression.

"I caused this didn't I." He mutters and steps away from her, afraid he is being too rough. 


The male's face becomes grim and somehow sad as he gazes into her eyes. "Kakashi, could you walk her home for me? I need to go and... do some training." He asks kindly and Kakashi nods, watching his friend excuse himself and disappear abruptly.

"Wait! Wait..." Yui's eyes fall to the ground in disappointment and Kakashi places his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Gai can be a little... emotional." He chuckles nervously and begins guiding her towards the village.

"I didn't want him to see that I was in pain." Yui tells the silver haired man, hoping to find comfort in him.

"He knows he caused it, so he feels guilty. He wouldn't normally be like this however... I guess he doesn't want to hurt his comrade more than he already has." He explains and the woman sighs, touching the sensitive area that will most likely get even more painful later.

"Even if so, I don't mind if he hurts me. I'm not porcelain, I can handle things like this." She pouts and Kakashi chuckles. "Even though he put you in the hospital for a month?" He teases and she slaps his arm slightly.

"That doesn't count." Yui mumbles silently, still feeling down about what happened moments ago.

"To him you are."

"Am what?"

"Like porcelain."

Yui's eyes widen for a moment before she pouts again. "I'm not that weak am I?" Kakashi pats her head with an amused grin,- hidden by his mask.

"Even though I might get a punch after I say this... you are quite vulnerable physically-" 

"Excuse me?"

"But!" He raises his arms in defense.


"Your other traits are remarkable."

The woman seems to be torn between the urge to hit him and between letting him off the hook.

But she decides to ignore him as food seems more important at the moment. "Fair enough." She huffs and leaves him standing there before he smirks and catches up with her.

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