10 | Reason to Live

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Damn It's been a loong time... I haven't been in wattpad for a month. 

It's been very busy, but I decided to write again. I am very sorry for not writing... ;-; 


"Let's split up. Me and Yui will go alone, you three go together and scout the village. We need to find clues before we can begin the actual search." Kakashi explains and hands us maps. I shove the piece of paper into my back pocket and pull a hood over my head. 'I already know where I'm going to start'. I huff a stray hair away from my face and nod to Kakashi before turning around. 

"Be careful, something is not right with the weather today. I feel like danger is lurking nearby." I say out loud, so everyone heeds my warning before I begin to walk away. There is an unusual mist in the air and my senses are telling me it is not safe. 

"Good luck!" Naruto yells after me and a small smile finds it's way on my lips. 'Good luck to you too.' I think as I turn around a corner, a certain place in mind. If it is clues we are looking for, I think the family home is the first place to look for them... and I happen to know where they live. 


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My attempt to stand fails miserably and I collapse right on my face onto the cold floor. I growl in annoyance and roll over to my back, taking deep breaths whilst staring at the ceiling. 

'I screwed up pretty badly, didn't I?' I chuckle, but stop as it hurts. 

If the wound on my shoulder isn't treated soon, I'm going to die. "How could I let my guard down like that?! Now I'm stuck in this situation at who knows where!" I yell in frustration and soon hear faint footsteps.

'Someone is coming?' I panic and muster all my strength to push myself into a sitting position against the wall. As soon as the doorknob starts turning my body tenses and sweat starts forming on my forehead. 

As the door opens I see a surprisingly short person wearing a white mask with some red detailing on it. Judging by their appearance, they're very young. 

I can't see his face, but I can tell that he is staring at me intently.. "Who are y-you?" I cough and mentally curse my pathetic state. For a moment he just stares before slowly reaching for his mask. With a swift motion he removes it, revealing the face of someone as old as Naruto probably. 'This is the one?' I frown and adjust my position. 

The boy drops the mask down to the floor, his long black hair swaying smoothly to the side.

'If this kid is the one who caught me off guard... I'm gonna be pissed off.' I narrow my eyes and stare at his brown ones before he smiles, causing extreme confusion in my head. 'Uh... smiling? Really?' 

"My name is Haku, you must be very hungry." He introduces himself and reveals a delicious looking sandwich from behind his back. My eyes light up and my mouth starts salivating almost immediately. Before accepting the bread though, I ask him to take a bite just in case. 

He luckily obliged and only after seeing the food going down his throat, did I allow myself to devour the sandwich.

"I'm going to treat your shoulder now, please don't move." He instructs and crouches down next to me. 

Thank god. Death doesn't sound very inviting at the moment.

As he begins sanitizing the wound, another set of footsteps approaches the room. I go alert as they get closer and suddenly a tall man stands right outside the room, looking pretty terrifying with that half bandaged face of his. He is very muscular and covered with scars that I doubt came from honorable deeds.

"I see she's awake." He says annoyedly, as if I'm not even here. My eyes spot a very big sword that he is resting on his shoulder, which quite honestly scares me. 'That is a sharp looking blade', I gulp and keep staring at him the same way he stares at me. Tauntingly.

"You're the one trying to mess up my plans aren't you..?" He mutters and after a few seconds breaks eye contact and disappears into the hallway. Haku then presses the wound a little too hard, causing me to flinch and hiss silently. 

"Sorry for that." He mumbles and begins wrapping a bandage over the wound. When he is done, I give my shoulder a little stretch and thank him. Even though I'm still very much doubting his kindness towards me, I'm unable to hate him.. for now at least. He treated my wound very gently which I appreciate, but he is also probably the one who caused it

After a moment he helps me up and I take a few careful steps as I recover from the blood loss. God knows how long I stayed like that after I went to that family house and-... what exactly happened?

"That man is called Zabuza and he is my master." He speaks unexpectedly and I rub my chin in thought before remembering. "I've heard that name before, isn't he also known as a demon or something?" 

"Demon of The Mist, yes. You were interfering with his job earlier, which is why I had to attack  and knock you out." He explains and I frown at him. "His job? He was threatening innocent people!" I snap but Haku walks out of the room, forcing me to follow. "Everything comes with a prize. Even if it's something bad." He replies ominously and we come to the kitchen. 

"You don't seem like him at all... so why are you serving him?" I ask. 

"What is like him?" He asks.

"Sadistic, evil, bloodthirsty and cruel." I explain with a blank face and he just looks at the floor with that slightly annoying smile of his. "You don't understand... he saved me when I was abandoned by my own family. He gave me a reason to live."

"And what is that reason?"

"To serve him. To repay for all the good things he did to me. His interests are mine too and as long as he is happy... I am happy." He explains and I can't help but feel remorse. This poor child.


"Sensei! Yui hasn't come back yet!" Sakura says worriedly as their teacher returns to the location they were all supposed to meet after their search. "What? Hasn't come back? It has been hours." 

"Exactly! She should be back by now..." Naruto mumbles nervously and Kakashi calms him down before he starts to panic. "Now, now let's not panic and get hasty. She could be taking her time, that's all." 

"No. We checked the area. She's nowhere to be found." Sasuke sighs. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Positive." Sasuke confirms and that makes Kakashi a little worried. Could she be in danger? Or stuck somewhere? Either way they had to find her. 

"Alright guys, here is what we're going to do."


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