03 | Kind at Heart

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"No Yui! You can't leave yet, you are to be near the hospital until you are fully healed." Asami scolds me as I attempt to go to the village.

'She's no fun that's for sure...' I slump my shoulders and sigh in disappointment. "Then where can I go?" I ask, hoping for a proper answer. She seems to be in deep thought before she snaps her fingers and points to her right. "There is a garden in that direction that you could go and check out?" She suggests and I hum whilst considering her suggestion. 

A walk in a garden doesn't sound bad at all actually.

"Alright." I decide and begin walking towards the direction she pointed at.

"Will you be alright alone?" She shouts after me as I stroll past the wooden gates.

"Hai, hai." I wave my hand lazily, not wanting her to waste any more precious time on me. She's a nurse after all, and that hospital is filled with wounded people like,- every day.



Following a narrow rock path through the dense vegetation, I enjoy the silence

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Following a narrow rock path through the dense vegetation, I enjoy the silence.

This place seems peaceful and the people are very welcoming. I feel like I could be happy here if I stayed, but at the same time... I know I wouldn't. There is a piece missing from my heart which I know is gone for good. Love or whatever you would like to call it. 

When you lose someone, you experience such pain... it's like a nightmare that you're unable wake up from and it stresses your very soul and body. Eventually you embrace the darkness that clouds your mind and then there can never be happiness, because you forget what it feels like. 

I know it sounds like a teenager experienced a small inconvenience and decided to become the 'dark one', but I'm being serious.

At a point in your life when you stop caring for your health and surroundings... well, you're pretty much an irrelevant blob; like myself

I mean, what good would there be in a person as gloomy as me anyway? I barely know enough people to say that I have a social life. I should just be on my way and get back to my travels-

"Stop running, you like me!"


I hear a man's voice somewhere nearby and it interrupts my philosophical thoughts.

I decide to walk towards the direction of the voice and after moving some bushes out of my way, I spot a clearing. My eyes catch something move and when I fixate my gaze on the moving object, I see a man in green-colored clothing, holding a white rabbit in his arms. 

"There, there..." He smiles brightly and I don't know why, but watching him smile makes me feel a type of way. Before I even notice, a small grin of my own slowly creeps on my face as I watch him hold the animal so gently and caringly.

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