01 | A Good Person

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I open my eyes as the endless darkness slowly fades away from my mind, releasing me from it's cold grasp. A bright light then scorches my eyes, forcing me to narrow them and shield my face with my hand. 'Where am I?' I wonder as I await for my sight to focus properly.

Memories start flooding into my mind, forming broken flashbacks of a wounded man pleading for mercy. Confused, I try to fill in the blank spots to figure out whether it was I who caused it, but a sharp pain tells me no.

After a short moment of laying and calming my aching head, I am able to fully open my eyes and scan my surroundings. For starters, it looks like I've been captured. Where..? - I have no idea. Judging by the ill-colored room and the beeping machines next to my bed, it's a hospital or some kind of medbay.

"Hel-" I try to speak, but it is of no use since my throat has completely dried up.

I then attempt to move my body, but the immense pain stops me from doing so. 'Damn... what the hell happened?' I frown and decide to examine myself to see if I'm still intact.

I carefully lift the blanket that was covering me up to my neck and toss it aside. At first my eyes land upon the plain white shorts and the matching tanktop, which I presume the hospital staff changed me into. I then carefully remove the bandages covering both of my legs and grumble in annoyance when I see numerous scratches and bruises. 'Those wont heal in a while.' I thought as I stifled a yawn.

The door to my room then unexpectedly flings open, startling me. "You're awake!" A young woman beams, rushing to my side excitedly. I notice a red kanji on her uniform which means 'doctor' and assume that she is my caretaker.

She notices that the bandages had been taken off from my wounds and immediately begins rummaging through her purse. She pulls a new bandage roll and places it on the bed, resuming her search for equipment. I gently tug at her sleeve and grasp her attention.

"M...-mizu." I barely whisper and her eyes widen in mild panic before she stands up and gets a bottle of water. Handing it over to me, I gulp down the cool substance and exhale in relief afterwards.

The nurse then gently and slowly begins to tend to my wounds, as if trying not to overwhelm me with the sudden interaction.

I watch her curiously before deciding to let her do her work in peace. Tilting my head upwards to gaze at the ceiling, I ponder the endless questions invading my mind: 'When I get out of here, am I going to be held as a prisoner? Am I going to be interrogated and tortured for information? Are these people trying to get to my good side so I would co-operate..?'

My thoughts are cut short as the woman finishes and speaks. "Does it hurt anywhere?" I shift a little before replying. "Yes, but I'll live." It hurts a lot in my abdomen but I smile reassuringly and she sighs in relief. Packing her equipment back into her purse she puts it aside and sits on a chair a few feet away from my bed.

"Are you my caretaker?" I ask and she nods enthusiastically, observing my behavior. I stay silent for a moment before speaking again. "Where exactly am I and how long have I been here?" I inquire calmly, trying not to appear hostile or unstable.

"You are in Konohagakure and currently in the hospital, as you may have guessed. Also you've been asleep for at least a week." She replies and it takes me a moment to process her words.

The Hidden Leaf Village.

My mouth widens ever-so slightly as I think about it. "How..?"

She stands up and silently opens the window. Fresh air then enters the room and she turns to look at me. "By what I heard... you brutally attacked a man for his gold and our shinobi captured you mid-act. Then you were brought here and we patched you up." She explains with a voice devoid of emotion. I carefully nod and close my eyes thinking she loathes my existence.

"I don't believe it." She unexpectedly adds and I open one eye to look at her.

"Don't believe what, exactly?" I ask, now curious.

"That you're the one who actually did it." She smiles and pulls the blanket over my lower body. I raise a brow at her remark but she just bows her head and leaves me to rest.

I exhale tiredly and turn my head towards the window so I could watch the sky.

"Attacked a man for gold eh?"

"Attacked a man for gold eh?"

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Since it's 2019, I decided to start this book! Gai and many other characters from Naruto need some love too! <3

Happy New Year!


(Update - 2021: after a long hiatus, I have decided to continue this book. Since my writing was very bad back in 2019, the chapters will be under some heavy editing!)

Also please read my notes at the end of the chapters, some of them are very important!! <———

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