07 | Raindrop

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"What is it like?" A voice asks suddenly, grasping my attention. I turn my head towards Asami and examine her oddly joyful expression. "To travel the world? You must have seen wonderful things." She continues and my mouth slowly forms in to a smile.

"Indeed I have, but few of them are wonderful." I reply and after a moment of silence, decide to tell her the story of what happened to my clan. "You know what, I'm going to tell you something." I say and switch to a more comfortable position.

"Tell me what?" She asks.

"The story of what happened to my clan. Well.. it's not really a story..." I answer and she looks a bit taken aback. 

"You don't need to tell me, It's a sensitive subject isn't it?"

"It's after that point, that I decided to travel the world after all. Besides... I think it's time I talked about it with someone."

(Her memories)

"Yui! Come on out! We'll go to the western gates!" My best friend Ai calls from my garden. I open the curtains of my room and spot the girl right under my window, grinning mischievously. I put a finger over my mouth and shush her.

"What are you talking about Ai? Western gates? That's dangerous." I whisper-shout and make sure my parents are busy painting scrolls in the living room.

"Yeah but that makes it more fun right? Now come on!" She urges me, so I finally comply. I jump over the windowsill and land rather clumsily on my butt.

'Ow. I wonder what they are planning this time...' I stand up from my sitting position and run after her as we exit my garden and enter the streets.


"Are you seriously not attending the festival?!" Haru and Ai gasp in disbelief after I tell them that I wont be coming to the snow festival this evening.

I nod and decide to switch the subject. "Are you guys-"

"But you love the festival!" Haru frowns and blocks my attempt of switching the subject completely.

I slap my hand over my face and drag it down in frustration.
"Yeah but my parents decided to begin my kunoichi training... they want me to be strong and capable of protecting myself. So I will be training with them." I explain and the two pout in disappointment.

"You can go and have fun without me guys. I am not a necessity." I chuckle.

"No! You are needed or the group wont be perfect!" Haru retorts but I just roll my eyes at him.

"It's not the last festival ever! I'll just attend next year." I smile and pinch their arms before running off.



I sit there on my knees, drenched in rainwater and dirtied with mud.
The realization of what has happened is yet to hit my mind.

"The... village..." I mumble, holding my face in my trembling hands as I try to calm my racing heart.

Gone for a few short hours to come back to a destroyed village. Everything in shambles and nobody in sight... is this what hell looks like?

After something appears in my peripheral vision, I turn my gaze towards it to see a pile of rubble... with my mother sticking out of it. Not able to hold back any longer, I release the most pain filled scream my vocal cords could possibly produce and shakily walk over to her.

"Mother?" I whisper silently, due to my parched throat.

"Yui..." She suddenly regains consciousness and calls for my name, desperately trying to locate me by moving her hand around.

I grab it gently and bring it close to my heart before noticing that something is different with her eyes.

"You're blind!" I begin to cry as I see my poor mother in such a state. She nods and coughs weakly before speaking again.

"It was a mighty beast with strength equal to a thousand shinobi... we couldn't stop it." She whispers and just then an extremely loud roar emits from somewhere nearby.

My eyes fill with terror as I slowly turn around to see a massive ape with fur the color of blood. It's eyes rage in fury as it spits fire upon the shambled village. The crimson flames eat away all that was left of the buildings and slowly creep towards me and my mother.

"Y-you have to escape!" My mother starts to panic as she senses the heat.

"But I have to get you out!" I scream but she pushes me. "No, I am already gone. This rubble has crushed my lower body and there is no way out. I'm sorry dear, but I shall join your father." Tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she feels my face with her palm for the last time before she tells me to run.

" Tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she feels my face with her palm for the last time before she tells me to run

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"You... you've been through so much more than I would have ever imagined." Asami mumbles after I finish the 'story'.

She probably noticed that I was getting rather emotional, so the nurse buries my head into her shoulder and wraps her arms around me comfortingly.

For the first time in years I accept the fact that I can't stay passive about my past anymore. I can't ignore... that I am so much lonelier than I always thought I was,- that I crave for someone to talk to and for someone to be by my side. 

I believed that to heal and move on I had to be alone and not talk about the past, but now.. I realize that I was wrong.

I release the flow of emotions that I had been hiding inside, in a form of tears.

"Don't hold back Yui, your broken heart will now heal, as you have opened it for others to mend."

That was a rather dark chapter xD Thanks for reading my book!

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Next chapter will be the beginning of a Yui Character-arc, where the focus WONT be on Gai! It will mainly focus on Yui and a bit on bonding with Team 7 and Kakashi.

If you want to skip that and continue with the x Gai , then skip to Chapter 15!

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