19 | Capture the Flag

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Hiya, I'm back!

This was requested by a friend of mine from Amino~

It's a bit longer than usual, so I hope you guys like it (●'ω●)


"Yui, keep yourself hidden, we can't lose this one!" Kurenai says as she begins casting her genjutsu and urges me towards The Forest of Death.

"Don't have to tell me twice, keep them out for as long as you can!" I fist bump her and run in through the bushes, determined to find a place to hide and wait until the timer hits zero. With an excited grin on my face I tighten my ponytail and make sure to leave no trails behind as I glide through the forest floor with silent steps.

After a couple of sharp turns and a long while of running, I eventually decide to stop for a rest and climb up one of the enormous trees. Once at the top I scan the area numerous times to make sure nobody followed me before I lay down on the branch and flatten myself so I wouldn't stand out too much.

"This should do for a while.." I mumble as I take in a deep breath and exhale, hoping to stay as silent as possible.

During an exercise like this one, I have to be more aware of my surroundings and careful with my actions. I'm up against a team Jonin after all and even the smallest mistake may lead to an instant game over.

Speaking of games...

The two teams consist of 4 participants each, with one of them being the 'flag'. The goal is to capture the flag and carry them all the way to the home base in order to win the round. Teammates are free to protect the flag as much as they want, or as in this case- go after the enemy's.

With the unfortunate luck of mine, I got picked out as the flag of our team and now I have to mindlessly run around and avoid the people trying to find me. Iruka got picked out as the flag for the enemy team, which is fair due to our capabilities being the closest to each other.

I wouldn't normally be too worried about being spotted, but ninjutsu is not allowed in this exercise,- only genjutsu and taijutsu. So with none of my classic escape moves or tricks at my disposal, I'm left relying on my stamina and speed alone, which is a bad idea... considering Asuma and Gai are on the opposing team.

Kurenai is most likely the best at genjutsu, but Gai is very good at taijutsu- so we have an ace in both teams.

Since we're evenly matched, a good strategy is needed in order to best the other.

While Kakashi and Shizune went after Iruka.. Asuma and Gai are after me, so it is really a question of time before one of the flags gets captured..

I reach into the pockets of my jacket and lay out the contents into a small pile in front of me. "Let's see: a smoke bomb, a kunai and a bunch of shuriken... not much, but should be able to fend off someone for a while." I mumble as I sort them into separate pockets so I wouldn't get anything mixed when the time comes to use them.

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