26 | Rinne Matsuri

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Hiya, I'm back! Sorry for the wait

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Hiya, I'm back! Sorry for the wait..    o(╥﹏╥)o 

Happy New Year 2022! 



"Stay still please, or you'll have a ton of bumps in your ponytail." Kurenai lightly slaps my shoulder as I squirm in my seat impatiently.

"Owh! Can't I just go with my usual look, you know... with my hair down?" I grumble, pouting at the mirror as I meet her crimson eyes. She just shrugs and moves my head to a different angle.

"And who are you going to impress like that? It's the Rinne Festival! A lot of people are going to gather at the streets and at the place we are going,- so I wont allow you to look plain. It's your first time attending, so it's my duty to make you the prettiest one there." She explains as she brushes some of the hairs back and secures them with a decorative hairpin.

"Like I could even compete with all of you! But.. I appreciate it." I smile slightly but grimace as she pulls on my hair again, working hard to make it look right.

A few weeks has passed since the encounter with the Akatsuki and it's safe to say that they wont be coming back for a while, especially during the winter festival season when everyone is back at the village with their families. It would be highly inconvenient to attack the village when everyone is present, so I feel quite relaxed about the topic. 

It is not completely clear what their grand plan is, but after informing Tsunade of their desire to obtain the tailed beast inside Naruto, it was decided that Jiraiya is to accompany and teach him for the time being; the old man being a Sannin after all.

As for me and Gai.. we haven't really had a chance to address our current status or what happened at the river. After the whole ordeal with Kisame and Itachi, we checked up on Kakashi at the hospital and pretty much went our separate ways. We did meet each other a few times on the street and in the Hokage's office, but other than that...

I hope he will like the gift I have prepared for him tonight, for I truly want him to know that he is in my mind and I haven't forgotten his feelings.

"Yui stop staring into space, it's time for your makeup." Kurenai flicks my forehead and I flinch back a little, not expecting such a powerful attack.

This is going to be a long night.

The cool winter air is filled with joyful chatter, fireworks and the clopping sound of geta sandals- as me, Kurenai and Iruka make our way through the crowd and head towards the silent parts of the village

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The cool winter air is filled with joyful chatter, fireworks and the clopping sound of geta sandals- as me, Kurenai and Iruka make our way through the crowd and head towards the silent parts of the village. 

The moon is settling in it's place on the night sky and the festival lights give the air a golden hue as Konohagakure is reminiscing passed loved ones and celebrating yet another year of peace starting anew.

"Thanks for coming to pick me up by the way, I have no idea where the residence is located, so you saved me about 2 hours of wandering around cluelessly." Iruka chuckles as we finally reach a quieter street where we can speak with less volume.

"It is no problem at all, I have no idea either! I wasn't originally even invited, Kurenai insisted I tag along since I apparently know most of the people there... honestly I still feel like it's not right for me to just.. appear like this." I mumble worriedly but Kurenai shakes her head and places a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. If anyone dares question your presence there- I will personally silence them." She declares confidently, but Iruka raises a questioning brow.

"It's not your party though..?" He mumbles and a small irk mark appears on her forehead as she looks at him.

"It's an event held in the Sarutobi Mansion, I don't think Asuma will mind Yui joining the party." She huffs irritably and Iruka nods, deciding to push the matter no further.

For a while we walk in silence,- merely enjoying the fireworks and occasional red lanterns floating through the sky; illuminating it beautifully. It is a cold night, so most have their kimonos layered up with the addition of tabi socks, but me being cold resistant- require less.

"It's kind of funny that you're wearing a scarf when you don't need it." Iruka remarks as we enter an isolated garden and start following a well made stone path that presumably leads to the mansion.

"Ah, well true. I actually wear it for the style..." I smile awkwardly and adjust it as Iruka shakes his head and turns his attention towards Kurenai who was leading the way.

"I assume we are close?"

"Yes, we take the next turn and should be able to see the mansion. We are approaching from the backside of the building, so going through this maze is inevitable." Kurenai explains and we nod, trailing closely behind her as she turns left and points her finger towards the huge mansion peeking from behind some rose bushes.

"You were right... it's massive! Isn't that a castle?" I gasp as I lay my eyes upon the traditionally styled building full of lights and dark wood decorations. Fully lit with chochin lanterns hanging down form the walls, it truly gives off a luxurious vibe with it's well-made detailing and size. From a distance I can count at least 3 floors,- all equipped with tons of rooms and balconies to marvel at.

"It's nice alright, so let's not waste any time and get there before the others start without us!"




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