02 | Day by Day

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It has been

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It has been... a refreshing and most certainly a unique experience for me, as I have lived some of my days in the Konoha Hospital. Even though I am still bedridden and my supposed crime is yet to be proven, I nonetheless enjoy the silence and peace.

My caretaker Asami has been very kind to me and it is because of her, that I am healing well.

My memory is still hazy and full of blank spots, but I was told that everything will return to me in time. Perhaps then I could properly stand up for myself and provide an explanation to my actions that night...

"Yui! Good news, you'll be able to leave the hospital for short walks tomorrow!" Asami gushed as she entered my hospital room.

My eyes lit up as those words left her mouth and I smiled. "Really? That is wonderful!" I exclaimed and punched the air only to regret it as a sharp pain spread from my arm to the rest of my body. "Ite, ite, ite..." I hiss and hold it close to my chest.

Asami chuckles and sends me a scolding look. "You should not strain your body yet! Your bones are still fragile. Remember your toe? Don't make it suffer." She explains, reminding me of the moment I was examined and told what- I mean who, caused my injuries. I still get shivers when I think about it.

"Yeah, yeah..." I reply and lean back on my soft pillow.



Next morning I was more than ready to finally leave the bed and take a walk around the village. I was feeling... excited and yet I was nervous, which are rather odd and unfamiliar feelings to me.

Ever since I became friends with Asami, I became warmer and a little more open to trust people. Usually I cover behind a hood to mask my face from the world... yet here I am trying something different. After the death of my clan I haven't really associated myself with anyone. I became sort of emotionless and didn't really look where my feet carried me.

I call it: living, but not caring.

Asami cared for me despite the fact that I am a suspected criminal with a supposedly bloodthirsty and cruel mind. She actually considers me a friend, which makes me feel.. happy.

I never wanted to trust others and thought that I could survive well on my own, but perhaps I should consider a different view. Perhaps I need not to wander around without a single care for my life anymore...

"Come on." My train of thought is interrupted by Asami's voice as I lift my head from my hands to see her smiling at the doorway.

"Right." I mumble and toss the covers aside, ready to challenge myself.



Stepping out through the hospital doors, I take a shaky breath to steady my racing heart. Holding Asami's arm for support I take in my surroundings and feel the rays of sun on my skin for the first time in three weeks. 

"You okay?" The nurse checks on me as I fall silent.

"Y-yeah, just not used to the feeling of walking around yet." I assure her and let go of her arm. Taking a few steps forward I try to balance myself without any assistance, but nearly fall over when a bunch of kids surround me out of nowhere, giving me a mini heart-attack.

"Oi, it's her!" A green-suited boy with a bowl-cut yells to his friends before being silenced by them. I freeze on my spot as I feel my social anxiety creep up on me and I find myself unable to form a proper sentence. Glancing at my friend for assistance, she arrives to my rescue.

"They have been wanting to meet you... since yesterday in fact." Asami whispers to my ear.

"Really?.. why?" I whisper back in surprise and watch them as they all line up in front of me.

"Forgive us for jumping to conclusions!" They simultaneously bow and I am taken aback by the sudden gesture.

"Asami care to explain..?" I glance at her again and she grins.

"You have been proven innocent! I told you that you're not a bad person Yui!" She hugs me and my mouth gapes open. "Oh... I mean of course I'm innocent!" I mutter and she then steps back so I could focus on the kids again. I clear my throat and continue the conversation.

"So... you're the ones that attacked me?" I inquire, tilting my head.

"We uh.. yes..." They hang their heads in shame and I chuckle, earning confused looks from them.

"Hey, you're pretty good to have been able to capture me.. even though I wasn't exactly the one you were looking for." I laugh and they smile a little, relieved that I wasn't mad at them.

"But we were only a distraction! Gai sensei was the true strong one!" The bowl-cut kid suddenly exclaims, catching my attention.


"The Jounin responsible for our team! He is currently on a mission, so he couldn't come here today." 

"Mmm, I see." I trail off, trying to look into my mind for answers.

Now that I think about it, I do remember a man attacking me with such raw muscle power, that I was almost immediately knocked out. My flashbacks end at the image of a foot connecting with my abdomen, sending me flying to who knows how far.

Judging by the injuries I suffered,- it was a damn good kick.

"Oh, that man was your sensei? His strength is indeed... impressive." I rub my chin in deep thought before deciding to leave it at that and excuse myself. "Well, I appreciate that you came to apologize even though you were just doing your duty. I hold no spite towards your actions, if anything I'm impressed! But I will be going now, see you three around."

"W-wait let us introduce ourselves before you go!" The girl with adorable hair buns yells after me. I turn my head to the three of them bowing.

"I'm Rock Lee!" The bowl-cut boy grins. "I am Tenten, nice to meet you." The girl smiles. "Neji Hyuuga." The boy with long black hair and pale grey eyes coldly introduces. 'What's with him?' I raise a brow but shrug it off.

Clearing my throat again I smile, introducing myself as well.

"Nice to meet you young Genin, I am Yui Akiyama."


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