11 | Trapped

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"Get moving wench, you're going to see your new home." Zabuza spits and pushes me inside a dirty, death-smelling cellar. It's damp and has only a small hole in the door which allows a minimal amount of light inside.

"You aren't leaving me here for real are you?" I ask in disbelief as he begins closing the door. He stops moving and glances at me with an empty stare. "Depends if you're worth anything." He simply says before leaving me all by myself. I start shaking as I stare at the door that was now closed shut. 'I hate tight dark spaces'. I grimace as I try to use my hands to do something, but Haku did a good job hitting my nerve points. "Great! I'm trapped in this... this place and I can't use any handsigns." I mutter and decide to sit down.

Fair enough the floor isn't as wet and cold as it looks, but it still reeks. I sigh and pout while I debate whether I try to bust down the door or wait for the others to find me. '

Man, I really wish Gai was here... he'd stare at the door and cause it to self-destruct out of sheer terror.

"I-Is someone there?" I suddenly hear a ghastly voice from somewhere behind me. Shivers run down my spine, making me freeze in pure terror. I turn my head slowly and yelp as I see two eyes twinkling at the far corner of the cellar, peering at me. "Who the hell are you!?" I scream and stand up in alert. They suddenly start to get closer, followed by the sound of heavy steps.

"S-stay back!" I position myself, ready to fight whoever this person-thing is.

"Wait! I wasn't imagining things, you really are real! Oh thank goodness..." The voice says and I raise a brow. I hear shuffling and then a matchstick is lit, revealing a very unclean looking person.

"My name is Yataro Shimura, I am from the fishing village that I assume is somewhere nearby. I have been trapped here for at least 2 weeks and I was afraid my mind is going insane!" His beard has gotten messy and his voice is hoarse and weak. 'How could Zabuza and that kid do this to someone?' I frown. 'I'll get them for this.. later. At the moment I have to focus on saving him.'

I straighten up and introduce myself.

"I am Yui Akiyama. I was assigned to find and rescue you by the Hokage... seems like half of my mission has been completed. Now we just need to get out somehow." I smile and he nods, lighting another match. We then sit down and begin discussing our plan in the timid light of his matchsticks.


"No! You haven't seen what that beast can do, do not be foolish." He retorts after I suggested that we bust out of here and I take on Zabuza, while he escapes. 

"Aw come on! What else can we do?" I ask in irritation. He straightens his back from his previous crouched-up position and runs his hand down his ragged beard. He then points a finger towards the ceiling as if he came up with something. 

"Zabuza usually leaves this place by noon, we will be left with just the boy." He explains.

"Haku is well trained, he will also be hard to handle." I mumble more to myself than to him.

"We can't risk busting out while the demon is here. He is too strong and will surely beat up us both... if not kill." Yataro notes with a heavy sigh.

I stare at the floor and massage my temples in deep thought. "And if we wait for him to leave, we will risk meeting him somewhere else." I stand up and start stretching my arms.

He starts rambling about other ways to escape and all of them exclude me from taking on our captors. "We should avoid them at any cost." He adds and eyes me as I finish my stretching and grin.

"You forget that I'm a kunoichi." I clutch my fists and ice starts forming around them. Yataro's eyes widen upon witnessing my rare element. 

"It is the same as Haku's." He mumbles and I turn my head towards him in surprise. "He also has ice release?" I ask and let the ice evaporate. He nods and turns to look at the door. "Do as you may, Yui. But If you really wish to fight them, be careful."

By hearing those words I smirk. 'I really want to get them back for what they did to me and this kind man'. I step closer to the door and press my palm against it.

"Alright... this is the plan. We bust out and if we get caught, you run to the village. The rest of my team is there. You will find a silver-haired man with a mask and tell him what happened, got it?" I ask.

"If we get caught, I run... village... silver-haired man... yeah I think I got it." He steps away from me cautiously as I slide my leg back and ball one of my fists. I take a deep breath and as I exhale, my breath comes out chilly. I feel ice covering my fist and after a few seconds I punch the door with as much strength as I can muster and sure enough the door collapses.

 I feel ice covering my fist and after a few seconds I punch the door with as much strength as I can muster and sure enough the door collapses

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"You're a terrifying woman." Yataro remarks as he passes me by and cautiously walks up the stairs. I chuckle and follow him, only hoping that he wont be hurt today.

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