14 | Colder Ice

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I glare at Haku intently, rage building up inside of me like a beast urging to be unleashed. 'He wounded this poor old man, for reasons that aren't even his own.' Clutching my fists I glance at the now passed out Yataro before inhaling deeply. "Hyoton: Hissatsu Hyōsō." I whisper and do a few signs before raising my arms up in to the sky. Haku's expression darkens and he slides his foot to the right to widen his stance whilst reaching his hands in to his pockets. 

I flex my arms and summon all my strength to do this technique. Judging by the amount of chakra I have left... this will be the last one as well.

With a few sharp breaths I finish gathering chakra and bring my arms down to point them at the boy in front of me. "Scram." I cough weakly and finally drop my arms to my sides, my feet becoming like noodles and forcing me to my knees at the same time.

He pulls his hands out of his pockets to reveal a bunch of thin, long needles in his grasp. I exhale exhausted, as he prepares to run at me but is stopped by an ice spear the size of a fully grown man, piercing the ground with great force. It nearly crushes him, forcing him to jump back. Haku then raises his head to look at the sky and a baffled expression finds it's way onto his face.

"Ice..?" He mumbles, his voice sounding almost innocent. I frown and watch him as more spears rain down on him, hitting the ground with a loud crunching sound. I feel sweat racing down the side of my face and I wipe it away roughly with the back of my hand. 'If this wont stop him then I don't know what else to do. I'm weak.'

My vision suddenly gets all blurry as I slowly keep losing myself to the upcoming darkness. "D-damn it..." I curse and fall backwards on the grass to watch Haku walk over to me and raise his hand full of shining needles, ready to pierce my flesh.

'I wasn't strong enough.'


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The sensation of wind tickling my face with it's soft caress brings me to my senses. I feel sore and ache all over as I regain control over my limbs. Without moving I try to contemplate my surroundings with my eyes still closed and attempt to not make myself seem awake.

"Gah! Is she going to be alright?" A voice too loud and too close to my ear jolts me fully awake. I open one eye to meet the blue orbs of none other than Naruto, who doesn't seem to realize that he's staring at my eyeball. After three whole seconds he realizes and starts tearing up with a following bone crushing hug I did not wish to receive at this state. "Sister Yui!" He sobs and buries his head into my neck. I chuckle weakly and open my other eye as I stoke his hair and look to the left to see trees?

'Are we on the go?' I raise a brow and check the front to indeed see a horse or a donkey of sorts pulling me on a carriage. Now extremely confused I gently push Naruto off to allow myself to raise on a sitting position. "Naruto explain." I say sharply and inspect my bandages.

"Oh! Yeah, you've been out for a whole day. The green haired woman from the inn told us you were in danger so we rushed to rescue you and arrived just in time to stop that boy from killing you and ojiisan." He begun waiting for my nod before continuing. 

"Then there was a big fight between the scary man Zabuza who came out of nowhere and Kakashi sensei. It was a very difficult situation... we did end up winning, but the bad guys got away." He muttered and I stopped him there.

"What about Yataro? Is he alive?" I asked in worry and the blonde nodded. "Yes! We managed to patch him up and with Sakura's knowledge in herbs and medicine we healed him enough to recover." 

I nodded and lowered myself back onto a laying position. 

"Oh also that woman with the green hair... she disappeared when we got back to the fishing village. She said that ojiisan was well and in safety, when in reality he was with you. Sasuke suggested she lured us into a trap." He adds and I nod, trying to process all that he just told me.

'So Yataro is safe and our mission is complete. Good heavens this was the most stressful and the most challenging experience I have ever had. I'll have a long break from shinobi stuff when we get back.' I close my eyes and listen to the calmness of the wind and the carriage wheels crunching the gravely ground. Then one more question pops in to my mind.

"Where are the others?"

"Oh Sakura and Sasuke went ahead to ensure our safe travel. Sensei stayed behind to ensure nobody follows us. With all that has happened, he has been on high alert and wont allow us to be ambushed." He explains and I sigh completely relaxing. "I see. You must be the one looking after me then?" I smile.

"Yes!" He replies enthusiastically and hugs me again, cuddling to my side. I wince in slight pain but wrap my arm around him non the less.


Okay so I kinda wanted this mission to end so I apologize if this chapter was too confusing or something because I kind of hurried things a bit ,:D.

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