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| Warning: This chapter has brief sexual content, and one tragic death. If you're sensitive to any of these topics. Either read with caution, or go to the next chapter. You could also find another book to read. It's not my intention to trigger anyone in anyway. |

          I woke up to darkness, and warmth. It felt like a special home with its own mystery. But my room was so beautiful, and it was almost impossible to not be grateful for the luxury Tom gave me. I mean he could've given me a basement, and chained me up like a dog. But he actually made my stay a little comfortable. Even though he did take my freedom away from me. I really didn't want to get up from the bed. It felt so warm, and comfortable. I shifted a little, and felt something stiff, and cold. Which made my body shiver a little. When I opened my eyes, I saw Tom laying next to me completely asleep. I jumped out of bed which woke him up instantly. He stretched his arms up while arching his back. "What the fuck Roxy." He said in a morning voice. Holy fuck his morning voice was attractive. "What are you doing in my bed?" "Sorry, I must've fallen asleep." "Well I need to change so get the fuck out!" "This is my chamber. I can do whatever I want to do. If I want to stay here while you change then that's how it's going to be." "Don't you have work to do?" "Yeah, but I'm taking a day off." "Get out." "No fucking way. I haven't slept this good since I was four. Since it's my day off I'm going to sleep in." "Why do I feel like a babysitter?" "You're actually the one who needs to be watched." "Not true." "Really?" He sat up staring at me with a smirk. "Yeah. Really!" "You know you could stay in bed with me. If you like." "Why would I do that?" "Because I know you're tired." "Oh fuck off!" "Fine. Go along with your day. But I won't be able to require you with food, or entertainment. So the best option for you is to come back to lay down. Or you could bore yourself all day, and not get any rest. Your choice." I just stared at him with an annoyed look. But he was right. I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself even if I wanted to. I get bored too easily. I walked over to the side where he was laying down. "Fine." He smiled, and grabbed my legs so I would straddle him. "What are you doing?" "I'm going to sleep so I might as well charm you before." "So you're trying to lead me on?" "Yes. Is it working?" "Not even a little bit." "Really?" "Yeah." He moved his cold hands up my shirt, and caressed my back. His hands were so cold I flinched, and arched my back from every movement he did. He laughed at the way he made me moved. "Stop laughing." "Why?" His smile was so gorgeous, but underneath everything was a dangerous person. "Because you're not going to be successful." "Hmmm. Well you shouldn't have said that." He flipped me to the other side of the bed, and got on top of me. He pinned my arms down to the side, and softly kissed my neck. He pulled his mouth off my neck, and looked down at me. "You look so beautiful underneath me right now." "Fine I'm turned on you can get off me now." "I don't believe that you're turned on." "What do you need..proof?" "Yeah I actually do." "Fine then." I arched my neck, and back and started to fake moan. "More, more, more!" I yelled. I pushed my stomach up against his hips, while biting my lip. I moved my legs up where they were up to the side of his hips. I stopped faking my pleasure, and dropped my legs and back. When I faced him again, he was smirking down at me. "That was such a fake orgasm. Nice try though." "Yeah it was fake. That's the point." "You're cute." "Honestly, just fuck me to get it over with." "Who said I was going to fuck you? I do know what you like though." He gave me one more look before speaking in a morning voice. "I saw your reaction to my morning voice. You fucking liked it. So are you turned on now?" I didn't even move, I just closed my legs, and kept my mouth shut. He smirked, and let go of my arms and got off me. He went on the covers on the other side of the bed leaving me there completely ready. What a fucking dick. He fell asleep eventually, and I started to dream about the day my mother died...and how it was my fault.
    "Harry!" "Yeah?" "Come on. Mom is going to teach us some spells." "Fine." Running through a random field to find my mother was really fun. It was like playing hide and seek, but she was right ahead of us. "Roxanne lovely. Please be careful." "Mom, teach us some spells teach us some spells!" "Don't worry I will. Harry sweetheart. Did you bring the spell book?" "I sure did!" "Brilliant. I think we should start with the basics. The two of you need to practice your spells before the start of second year." "We already know the unlocking charm." Harry said. "I know, but we should practice the other spells. You might get into dueling this year, and I want you prepared." "So what should we do mother?" I asked. "The first spell I want you to master is the disarming charm. Expelliarmus." "Expelliarmus?" I question. "I like the way that spell sounds." Said Harry. "After me children." We followed our mother's instructions very clearly, and ended up mastering the spell. But Harry seemed a bit obsessed with it. It actually made me laugh a little. "Now Harry. Go get us some biscuits." "Where are they?" "In the kitchen. I prepared them, but forget to grab them. Go fetch them for me will you?" "Yes mother." Harry ran off to get the biscuits leaving me alone with my mother. "Roxanne. I want you to go practice a few spells over there." "Of course mother. What will you be doing?" "I'll be waiting for Harry, but I want to keep you busy." "Yes mom." While I was going through the pages finding a spell that caught my eye. My mother was standing my the cliff patiently waiting for Harry. There was this one spell that completely caught my eye. It was the spell " Reducto" It was a spell that exploded things into small pieces. I really wanted to try it, and I did. I saw a huge wall of gigantic rocks that made the wall almost fifty feet tall. I failed the spell a few times, but I was determined to get it right. "Reducto!" "Roxanne darling what spell are you doing?" I didn't answer her, and just looked behind me. I saw that Harry still wasn't there. I continued to accomplish the spell. "Roxanne!" "Reducto!!" The spell left my wand, and his the farther side of the wall, but it was almost in the middle. I heard rumbling coming from the side wall, and big parts of the rock break off. "Roxanne get away from that wall!" A few rocks fell off the side, and smashed into pieces. I was able to back up, and face my mother. She was grabbing her wand from her pocket. I saw one of the biggest rocks was coming towards her, but it was breaking apart. From all the friction in the ground she dropped her wand off the cliff. "Roxanne!!" I couldn't move. I saw more rocks coming down from the side, and breaking once they hit each other. They were so close to my mother that she backed up. Her heels slipped from one of the rocks, and she fell backwards off the cliff screaming, and one of the rocks came down off the cliff as well. I heard a small thud from down by the cliff, and ran down to the bottom only to find my mothers wand. "Mother! Mother where are you?!" I ran around the bottom of the cliff, where I heard small breathing sounds. I looked around the corner, and saw my mother still alive with a huge rock on top of her stomach. "Mother!" I ran to her to see some blood coming out of her mouth. "Roxanne. Go get my wand." I ran to grab her wand, and ran back to her. "Mother, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this." "I need you to remove this rock off me. I'm in so much pain, and I need it off." "Yes mother." "The levitating charm Roxanne." "Wingardium Leviosa!" The rock lifted up, and I tossed it far away from her. I saw her stomach was completely crushed, and tears started to form in my eyes. "Roxanne. Stay with me won't you." "But I need to get help." "Please don't leave me alone." "I won't leave mother." "Thank you."
After a few minutes, I saw she was slowly dying. I needed to get help, but I didn't want to leave her. " Periculum!" I casted a distress signal in the air hoping that someone would come to help me. I was waiting for help for two hours before anyone showed up. Sirius, and Lupin came around the corner with Harry behind them. But it was too late, because she was already dead. "Roxanne what happened?!" Sirius yelled. "I didn't mean to do it dad. It was an accident." "Lupin, get Harry back to the house." "Yes Sirius." Lupin grabbed Harry, and walked away with him. "Roxanne. Get back home." "Dad, I swear I d-." "Go back home now!" I ran back to the house with tears pouring out of my eyes. I just killed my own mother. I should've never done that spell, because now she was gone. While running back I ran into Harry, and he saw my crying my eyes out. "What's wrong Roxanne?" I didn't even answer him. I just ran to my room, and cried in my pillow.
    I must've been crying for hours, because it was almost night. My whole world was breaking down into small pieces and I couldn't feel anything. Once I got up from my bed to clean up my face. I heard a knock on my door. "Roxanne. It's me Harry." "What is it?" "Dad says it's time to get some sleep. It's almost ten." "Alright." I could feel my tears burning my face. I needed to get something to calm me down. I walked down to the kitchen slowly, but nobody was down there. I grabbed my glass of water, and went to the living room. I sat down on my mother's chair starting to cry again. I looked to the side of me, and saw my mother's secret box. She told me years ago that if ever needed to feel my presence. "Pick the lock of the box, and open it." I picked the lock and opened the little box to reveal a piece of paper, and a journal. The journal was a gorgeous journal that my mother always had, but never wrote in. Whenever she would leave this room she would put the journal back in the box. It was empty, she never wrote in it. I looked at the note, and it was my mother's handwriting. "Hi darling, it's your mother. I can tell you're similar to me when it comes to my feelings. You like to keep it hidden in order to feel safe. I've had this journal for a very long time, but I never wrote in it knowing one day I would give it a child of mine. That child would be you. I've been through some bad things in my life. If you want to know about them once I'm gone. Just know that I left my journals that I've had for years underneath a floorboard in my room. You don't have to read them just yet if you feel like you're not ready. But you can read them whenever you like, if you want to know more about my past. Use this journal to write down your problems that your facing, and always keep it with you. I know you're getting this once I'm dead. I want you to know I will always love you, and I'm always going to be with you. -Mother."
   I could feel myself crying again thinking about her. But she gave me something as a way to feel her around me. The most amazing thing is when I held the journal against my chest. I felt like she was hugging me again. I felt safe again.

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