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| Warning: This chapter has strong emotions, panic attacks, and some traumatic witness is mentioned. If you're sensitive to any of these topics. Either read with caution, or go to the next chapter. You could also find another book to read. It's not my intention to trigger anyone in anyway. |

     She loves to put herself at risks, and to let herself fall on the ground filled with sadness. Isn't the best way. I saw her laying down before me back in my chambers underneath the school grounds. She sleeps like the dead, except this time she looks scared while she sleeps. And I knew exactly what she was thinking about. Poor angel, I feel bad for what happened. It was never part of my fathers master plan. That was just something psycho Bellatrix came up with all on her own.
She gasped and pushed herself up to me. I grabbed her and brought her into a hug. "It's just you. Thank you." "You shouldn't lay on the ground where you and your friends were attacked." She removed herself from the hug, and stared into my eyes. "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. I'm not mad at you, darling." She looked down at the bed. "Talk to me." She didn't respond to me, but I could tell she was crying.
   I brought her chin up, and saw the tears fall down her face again. She breathed heavily, and tried to turn her head away from mine. "Roxy, it's alright." "It's not. My father is dead, and now I don't know if Harry is alive." "He's alive." "How do you know that?" "Because my father was there." "Did he tell that cunt to kill my father." "No. She did that all on her own. She wasn't supposed to kill anyone." "Then why did she?" "I think it was something personal." "I-I.." she started hyperventilating, and the tears came down her face faster. "Ok, come here." "I brought her back into my arms until her breathing slowed down. "You need to rest. I'll bring you back to Hogwarts in a few days." "But they might realize I'm missing again." "If so they should understand you're fine." "Am I though?" "I know you're upset about your father. But I'm here to protect you. Just lie down, and rest. I'll bring you something if you need it."
I rested her head on the pillow, and covered her with a blanket. She was still crying, and I understand. She just lost her father, and in front of her. That must be painful. To watch someone you wanted to keep alive, and instead you see them die in front of you. Just like Alice Longbottom. I can understand her pain. And it hurts me to see her like this.
"Let me know if you need anything." She didn't respond. She just let more tears fall down her face, without making a single sound. I turned around, and was about to walk away. "Tom?" I turned back to her sitting up in the bed. "Can you lay down with me until I fall asleep?" "I'll do you one better. I'll fall asleep with you."
She moved over a little, and gave me that numb stare again as she waited for me to come to the bed. I got into the bed with her, and she immediately came into my arms. I could still feel some tears falling down her face. But she felt more calm as she was with me, and it made me happy she felt safe around me. Happy isn't a good word. It made me feel complete when I realized I made her feel safe and warm.

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