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Waking up in a Slytherin dorm gives me memories on me skipping class so I could throw glass cups at the assholes who thought they were better than everyone else. But that's not the point. The point is I have to babysit Roxy. Which is fine with me because I need to let her know the truth. But in order to fit in with this party filled with delusional people. Need to pull out the big most expensive suit. This suit was a gift from my father after killing Alice Longbottom. It's a token for his appreciation. This suit is actually very dark, and depressing. But it's the best suit I have, and I only wear it when I need to feel power. I just wish this suit didn't have such a dark meaning to it because it looks so good. Oh fucking well. I don't have a choice. I also narrowed down that Roxy is the most attractive girl in this school. It's also not like I was going to fuck some random girl to make her jealous. I'm not here to make her jealous. I'm here to teach her a lesson. I also can't have sex for maybe another week. My stitches are still intact, and I don't want to risk pulling them out.
    "Dude!!" I turned around to see my new roommate standing in the doorway. "What do you want.. what's your name again?" "Adrian." "Adrian. What do you want?" "So you're coming to the party tonight?" "Yes of course. I need to babysit some girl." "Oh Roxanne Black. Dude have fun." "That's her name isn't it?" "Yeah. She's considered the fucking smoke show of the school. But she refuses to have sex with anyone, or drink. So I'm guessing that changes tonight since she's upset about being kidnapped." "Yeah I already knew that." "Everyone knows that." "I'm really excited to babysit this girl." "Then have some fun with her." "I'm not going to have sex with her. That would be wrong, besides I just met her." "Fine. Whatever. I have to get to class. And lucky you because you have the rest of the day off. What are you planning on doing?" "I don't know. Probably get ready for tonight." "Great option. See you at seven." That guy gets on my nerves.
    I got in the bath which was a similar bath to my old one. Except this one was a little smaller, but it still fit me in one. While I was sitting in the bath. The tips of my fingers where feeling my stitches. Which made me smile, and chuckle. I wonder what she's doing right now. She's probably sleeping, or she's finding a way to ignore her feelings. I wonder if she dreams about something that makes her happy. Or if she just doesn't dream like me. It would be convenient. Because even if I dream at night. It's usually a nightmare. Other than that I don't get dreams throughout my sleep. Which is annoying because people tell me how amazing their dreams are. Just another thing to add to my list of reason I would like to throw most people off a bridge.
    After I got out of the bath I realized I had so much time left. So I decided to go check on Roxy. When I went out into the common room to see her holding a book without reading it. I hid behind one of the book cases, and admired her from a distance. She was humming, and playing with her wand in her right hand. Her hair was gorgeous as always. Her neck was long and smooth. God she's so fucking gorgeous. But she's not getting away with this. She needs to know that she can't win with stabbing. So... Roxy. This is for you. In a way you ruined my life, and caused me feelings I never wanted. So for that I resent you. But you're also the most beautiful person I've ever met. You're the first girl who knows my trauma. But you also stabbed me to show how much you cared for me. It still hurts, but I've always been fine with pain. And I know you will be as well by the time I'm done with you. So I guess we're going to a party. See you there...darling.

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