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    "Sometimes I look into peoples eyes, and I think I can see myself based off the reflection. But the truth is I'm seeing another side to myself that I didn't know existed. I don't really think we have just two sides to us. All my life I thought I was just Harry, and then I thought I was also a mix of Voldemort. But the truth is I'm a mix of many different things blended together in a mess. And I tend to create a group of people who are just like me. Except we don't always have the same past." "Harry-." Luna interrupted. "And I'm looking at them with this confused face-." "Harry, I don't give a fuck. I'm not a trained therapist. Why did you call me?" "Maybe because I'm stressed about this whole mission. I'm thinking it won't go well." "Harry, maybe you should get some mental help." "And Roxanne might go off the rails seeing Sirius." "Well now I'm interested. Keep talking." "I wonder if Sirius actually loves her like he loves me. He doesn't give her any attention since Roxanne saw her mother die. I feel like he blames her, but I don't want to assume." "Well aren't you seeing him tomorrow?" "Yeah." "You know what's going to happen. He's going to take you somewhere special, and maybe you can have a talk with him." "But I don't know if he's going to really answer my question." "Well you will never know until you ask him. So go ask him tomorrow." "Yeah. I think you're right." "Great. So can you get off the couch now I want to rest." "Yeah, I'll leave. You're actually a really good therapist." "Oh I'm just having this conversation because I want you to leave me the fuck alone. And I know you wont if I don't listen to your story. I'm also a little invested with this whole drama thing. It's been so boring in this school lately." "I never took you for someone interested in drama." "Harry, everyone is interested in drama. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. Everyone wants to talk about something new." "Thanks Luna." "You got it Harry."
When I walked out of the Ravenclaw common room. I saw Fred, and George running towards me. "Harry!!!" Fred yelled. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We have some drama." George spoke. "I really don't care." "Well you should be." George said. "Why?" They both looked at each other and smirked. "We are under the idea that Roxanne is dating someone." They both said. "What do you mean? Who?" "Well we don't know who yet." George blurted. "But we think she has a boyfriend!" Fred added. "I mean she can be with whoever she wants to be with. It doesn't bother me." "Well. We will keep you updated every time we find a clue to who she is dating-." Fred said. "Oh I could answer that question right now." Pansy spoke. We turned around to see Pansy staring at us with a smart ass look. "Well who is it?" George asked. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out. But all I'll tell you is she went to his dorm last night." "Well this just became more interesting." Fred said. "Yes. It is. But if you ever tell anyone about this. I'll cut your dicks off, and have them hanging on the Great Hall wall." "Ummm." "I'll cut it off." "Super aggressive, and you need to trust us." Fred spoke. "Fine. Just don't say anything alright!" "We got it. Not a word." Fred, and George both yelled. "And you Harry?" "I won't say anything either. I'm not the person who likes to spread rumors around. Whether they're true or not. That's more of their job." "You're right. It is our job." George said. "Now the both of you get lost. I want to walk down the hallway." She pushed through us, and walked down the hallway flipping us off with both fingers.
    "Hey, George?" "Yes, Fred?" "Do you think Pansy is single?" "She doesn't date anyone George." "Well I know she does dates." "The both of you could get a date with her if you matched her personality." "Thanks for that Harry." The both of them said. "Let's go spill some water on Mr. Filches cat!" Fred yelled. "Beat you there!" They both ran down the other hallway, and I walked back to my dorm to see Ron opening a box of chocolate. "I hate these chocolates!" "Then throw them out." "Fine."

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