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As much as Annika will like to tell you that her life is absolutely fabulous with her loving family and a decent job, the fact of the matter is that she is very bored with her life. Her modelling career is going down the lane, she doesn't want to work as an intern in Subh Mangalam and her family life is definitely all over the place since the incident that happened a few years ago.

Waking up to the rukus around her room where Sahil is literally jumping on her bed she feels like the weekend is also going down the lane. Waking up to her overexcited cousin she smiles her dazzling performer smile not realizing she still has it.

"Sahil, will you please calm down and tell me what's got you so excited?" she asks yawning.

"Arey Annika didi, get up already, it's almost 9 am and you promised me we will go to the park today since no school on Sunday."

"oh crap! I totally forgot. Will you give me half n hour?" annika replied smacking her head.

" Sure but don't take more than it. I'm waiting downstairs for you and since you know you are late for breakfast (8 am sharp) as per papa's rule you won't get any. "

Annika groaning " Uhh! Hittler chachu n his rules. Shit yaar how will I survive without food till lunch?"

" Don't worry when Sahil is here why to fear, I already saved you some potato chips you can munch on in park."

Annika cuddling sahil and kissing his chubby cheeks " That's why you are my favourite. Now hush lemme get ready."

After a while when Annika and Sahil are enjoying there day in the park Annika calls Priyanka and invites her over for some girl time. Priyanka and Annika are dance class buddies and they have form a good bond in mere 6 months. Priyanka arrives in her car and both the friends start discussing their plans for the night.

Priyanka asks aniika excitedly " Annika my brother Rudra is throwing this party for all college friends why don't you join us for the night and afterwards we can have a girls night at my place?"

A: " wow priyanka that will be fab! I am surely joining u guys. It's been such a long time since i went dancing in pub."

P: "Yay lets make a whole day enjoyable, this way atleast for a while u will get distracted from your boring job."

At the party, Annika meets Rudra and Omkara for the first time. They all are having fun chitchatting and dancing. Priyanka's eldest brother was also coming and Annika will not lie, she is excited to meet Shivaay Singh Oberoi ( she was fascinated by how much priyanka adored her bhaiya and has seen a picture of him in a business magazine and found him handsome to the boot), but then priyanka informs her that her bhaiya is not coming as he is busy.

Annika just shrugs and start draging Priyanka to the dance floor. After spending almost the entire night dancing both the girls are very tired and just slips into bed in priyanka's room.

Annika wakes up with a jolt when she hears priyanka muttering to her to get up otherwise she will be late for work. Getting ready in record speed Annika thanks priyanka for the night out and starts running out of the house. She is about to leave the door when she collides with a solid chest.

A : "Owww!! My head, can't you watch where you are going?" she asks while rubbing her head and looking from the hard chest to the cerulean blue eyes of none other than Shivaay. Her mouth falls open while staring at this handsome man before her.

Shivaay didn't knew what hit him. One second he was walking in his living room and the next he was staring into deep brown eyes of a girl. She was frowning and then a thoughtful expression graced her features. Snapping out of his thoughts he replied.

S: "It wasn't my fault miss, you were in a hurry"

A: "As if you were not talking while walking" she replied folding her hands.

S: "This is my home I can do whatever I want, by the way who are you?"

A: "Actually I'm Priyanka's friend, we go to dance class together." She replied glancing at her watch.

S: "Oh so you are Annika priyanku's new bff "

A: " Yeah!! Actually can we continue this argument some other time I'm late for work" she replied while removing her ID from her bag and putting it on her neck.

Shivaay read that she works for Shubh Manglam and nodding his head moved from her path. Thinking something his mind was in a overdrive, he moved back to his work.

On the other hand Annika was thinking wow girl way to make a impression by colliding with someone you have fascinated about. Shaking her head she rushes towards the bus stop she was already late today and would surely hear some reprimanding from her boss.

Author's Note: The story will be slow paced at the beginning so have patience with me guys. I'm all new to this so errors and mistakes are bound to happen. Please do point them out. Will try and give a longer chapter next time with more premises.

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