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Annika didn't knew what it was about Shivaay's azure eyes sharp and vivid, that once you look into them they engage you and everything else seems trivial, unimportant. She can say so because she was standing on his cottage door unravelling the same mystery that was his intoxicatingly innocent eyes. He was so busy in his laptop he didn't even realize that she had been standing there for the past few minutes.

She wanted those eyes to meet hers but she couldn't disturb him when he was so focused onto something. That was the thing with him once he makes up his mind, he will give it his 100% to achieve that. Clearing her thought she finally told him "Shiv dadi sent me to call you for breakfast."

Again, startling deep eyes looked at her and with a slight nod they focused back. Annika didn't knew what was the nod for? She was about to ask him when he closed the lid of his laptop and started moving towards her. When there was naught a space between them he runs a finger across her cheekbones, watching her shiver slightly in response.

It was a surprise to him how natural it felt to touch her, he wondered if she was aware of leaning into his touch, so responsive and sweet. Clearing her throat and wrapping her hand around his wrist, pulling away from his touch she said "Everyone's waiting Shiv....What were you doing with so much concentration?"

S :"It's just a small project I'm working on here in Goa, it's for Om so that he will focus on something related to business with his interest and dad will also be happy seeing him working on our business. So I'm killing two birds with a stone."

A:" Wow when are you not thinking about your family Jaan, it's going to be fabulous I know it and Om's going to love it."

Shivaay with a bright smile replied "It's still a work in progress, but I promise once I get the initial project settled you will be the first one to see it."

A:" Really!! Wow now I'm more drawn towards this, let's just quickly get done with breakfast and then I can help you on this?"

S:" You want to help me? Wow that's new, someone wants to come in good books. Common let's go."

At breakfast table everyone was discussing their plans for the day and when Rudra asked Annika whether she would like to go surfing with them, she was tempted to say Yes, but she had already promised Shivaay that she was going to help him in creating Om's dream project so she told him "You guys go and enjoy, I want to spend sometime with your bhaiya." Winking at Shivaay and giving him a flirtatious look she said.

Shivaay vaguely perplexed by her comment looked at her quizzically, to which she whispered " I am also killing two birds with a stone, now no one will disturb us and we can keep this project a secret." Smiling brightly he told her "Since your company's improved you are getting smarter day by day."

Meanwhile the other three "Oh my god! Now they want to spend the whole day in a cottage, I don't ever want to know what they are whispering in each other's ears." Priyanka said with a blush "Some things Annika should learn to keep to's embarrassing to listen about your brother that way."

Rudy laughing at her horrified expressions and Om telling them both to grow up, keeps on bantering about the couple who still haven't realized that they are the hot topic of the sibbling's discussion.

Back at the cottage Annika is leaning in on Shivaay and looking at the project with much admiration,she said "Shiv this is so pretty, Om will love to work for this. Infact you know what we should do this in all major tourist spots in India."

Shivaay with delight says "One step at a time sweetheart, let's focus on this one first than maybe we can start a new trend ?" Annika with a bright smile started suggesting improvements in the project and was genuinely enjoying herself while planning it.

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