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Annika woke up startled from her peaceful sleep from the shaking Priyanka was doing to wake her up. She annoyingly yawned and asked her "What's the matter Pri ? Why did you woke me up? I was having such a pleasant sleep."

Priyanka scrunched her brows and replied "I don't want to listen to you dreaming about my brother but if you don't wake up now the said brother will break our cottage door and we both know nobody wants to face the wrath of Mr. Khadoos Singh Oberoi first thing in the morning. God knows what he is after so early in the day, you have like 10 missed calls in last 5 minutes (all his)."

Annika irritated by the response got up from the bed and stormed towards Shivaay's cottage. She barged in his room and found him standing near the window drinking his expresso coolly. He gave her a dazzling smile which vanished seeing her glare and gulped his mouthful.

Pointing her finger at him she hit him in the chest with it and asked" What's with you? Why can't you let me sleep? Why so many missed calls?" He gave her a pleased smirk and said "Why are you being cranky so early in the morning, now who is being Sadu?"

Annika shot daggers at him with her eyes "Shivaay stop messing around and come to the point right now or you will regret what I will do next." Shivaay's superlicious expressions was not helping him at all and finally the dam of Annika's patience broke and she picked up a glass full of water and poured it all over his face.

He blinked not believing what just happened and just as she was about to storm out, he encased her in his arms and shook his head to and fro so that she too got sprinkled with water. Grinning together they laughed at the circumstance and finally he told her "I woke you up so that we can go for our first official interview as a couple and before you protest it is not about us but we are announcing the commencement of our new Art Street Project. It is relatively new concept and all the publicity it will get by us announcing, will have a positive impact on it."

She gave a brief thought to his words and than giving a bright smile to him said "Alright you could have said so earlier, now leave me I have to get ready."

S:" If I had told you earlier than how would I see this fierce Sherni avatar of yours, I knew you were a Junglee billy but this I had no idea about."

She wriggled in his arms and said "Fine you can call me whatever you want today as I deserve it but let me go now Shiv, we will get late for the interview."

S:" Fine go and get ready and don't stress too much about your appearance we will also shoot a cover photo for the same magazine so we will have a team for your makeover there." Saying so he released her from his firm grip but not before pecking her cheeks. Annika looked in his direction first and then hurried to get ready for the surprise day she was faced with. Thinking that will anyday ever going to be normal with this guy?

Reaching the office of Business Today they were greeted by the editor in chief. Annika was thoroughly impressed by the authoritative command Shivaay had even if this wasn't his own office. Everyone present their treated them like royalty and adhered to every demand Shivaay presented infront of them. Ofcourse it was a big deal to have a personal interview of the Number 1 Businessman of the year with his better half, that too for announcing another big project.

She tried to focus on all the happenings infront of her but her attention keeps on deflecting towards him. How he took charge and was so passionately directing each aspect of their interview. He was this eloquently formidable creature with his majestic persona, who influenced people in a manner that they followed all his commands without question.

She was brought out of her musings when he turned towards her and asked her to follow him to a changing room, their she meet with a team of beautician who helped her get dressed in a magnificent green gown and Shivaay in a splendid black jacket. Giving them masks with their outfits they explained how the cover will unveil the mystery woman who ruled the heart of Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

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