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When Annika had agreed to become the fake fiancé of SSO she had not considered how drastically her life would change after becoming the other half of Mr. SSO. Seeing their picture on the front page of a popular tabloid with bold headings SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI – NO LONGER AVAILABLE! TAKEN FOR LIFE! was just the starting.

People gawking at her on the way to work and pointing in her direction was becoming uncomfortable minute by minute and to top it all of on reaching her office she was welcomed with a big bouquet of Roses and everybody was treating her as if she had achieved the highest achievement of one's life. Even her khadoos boss was behaving cordially with her.

Annoyed by the different behavior of everybody a headache was starting to form in her head. So when at lunch time Priyanku invited her to OM she whole heartedly agreed. Asking her boss has now become a formality as it was freely given (maybe they were thinking that their imaginary wedding planner could be Subh Manglam). Finally laughing at this absurd thought she goes to OM.

After having lunch with Priyanku, dadi and mom (as everybody else were busy in their work) Annika and pri decides to spend the day shopping and roaming to there preffered places. Annika was secretly thankful that Shivaay has not messaged her today and was not at home (as the complicated feelings she was starting to have towards her best friends brother) she wanted to have some space from him.

During shopping Annika noticed that there was a change in Priyanku's shopping list, as instead of some kurta's she was buying dresses and swimsuits for herself and was selecting the same for Annika.

A:" Pri what will we do with so many dresses and swimsuits...I have to go office and its not like that we can spend our day lazily lying on a beach."

P:" Anni you ask so many questions yaar....Just let me buy some dresses and swimsuits for my future bhabhi, m sure my bhaiya will appreciate our efforts."

Annika turns crimson hearing shy priyanku utter such words and hits her on the head.

P:" Common now lets pay for whatever we've brought and go for some mani-pedi."

A:" I swear something has happened to my shy best friend....firstly she wants to buy dresses and then she wants to go for mani-pedis. Who are you and what have you done to her?"

P:" Uhhhh stop being cringey and let's go."

Annika grumbling to herself about the strange actions of everybody around her today, she unconvincingly starts following priyanka.

Back at OM when the girls have deposited all their shopping bags and are relaxing on couches Shivaay enters and is startled to see Annika at his home.

S:" Hey I didn't knew you were coming home."

Annika after realising that he is talking to her avoids his eyes and just shrugs her shoulders. Seeing her strange behavior he asks " What happened Jaan ?"

A:" Nothing." She is still avoiding looking at him. At this he frowns and proceeds towards her. Bending at her eye level he again asks " It's definitely not nothing, something is bothering you now will you tell me or I will have to get it out of you."

A:" I told you na Shiv it's nothing why are you bothering me with this constant questioning?"

S:" You know what I don't believe you and since you aren't going to tell me I will ask in a different manner now." Before Annika could even blink shivaay had picked her up in his arms bridal style and was moving towards his room. She could hear Priyanka giggling apparently her discomfort was amusing for her.

A:" Shiv what are you doing... put me down. Anyone can see us, what will they think?." Beating his chest she said.

Shivaay bringing her to the pool area asked her one more time:" Will you tell me now what's the matter or will you like to be dropped in the pool."

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