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"What did that muffin ever do to you?" Gauri asked Viren, sitting next to Annika at the breakfast table next morning.

"Hoping it was Shivaay Jiju's face I bet," Sahil comments nonchalantly with his eyes focused on his poha.

Annika looked up from from her poha and to Viren, pressing her lips together to repress her smile. As was expected her brother had been absolutely furious after the announcement of her approaching marriage and glared at everyone that dared to glance his way, and from the looks of it his muffin was the latest victim.

"Chachaji could've asked for more time!" he slammed a fist against the table. "If only he would've refused dadiji's offer than we would have had more time with our gudiya."

Gauri and Sahil nodded in agreement, their arms crossed as they took turns giving dirty looks to their father. The whole breakfast table had been giving cold shoulder to chachaji since the news of Annika's upcoming nuptials broke. Even the ladies had taken a moment to shake their heads in dismay at him, and they rarely ever get involved in such decisions.

Chachaji to his credit wasn't affected at all by his family's displeasure instead finishing his breakfast he said at last "You very well know Viren that it wasn't an offer but an order from Kalyaniji. I couldn't refuse them so blatantly. We have to accept the fact that as much as Annika's ours she is also there's, all I did was thought about Gudiya's happiness. Don't you think I wouldn't want both my daughters in a better condition before finalizing one's wedding? What choice did I have? And Anyways, sooner or later she would've to get married, so why not now?"

"Or maybe you could've asked for a bit more time from them. I am sure they are considerate people." Gauri contradicts with a bite of fruit.

Annika would've agreed whole heartedly but she didn't need chachaji having a go at her, especially not after everything was starting to turn normal again. Instead she peeked at Viren who was busy contemplating Chachaji's words.

"Don't you think Anni?" Gauri asked.

"Hmm?" Annika turned to face her cousin. "Think what?"

"That you all should concentrate more on me than planning a wedding," Gauri told her. "I am back from coma after two years and then also the topic is you. It's not fair, why are you stealing my thunder?"

The table laughed at that and the atmosphere was once again jovial. Annika shook her head and replied cheekily "Well you never know maybe you will meet your prince charming while attending my wedding?" she winked at her cousin.

"Gosh! No way. One wedding is enough." Everyone said in union.

As everyone got busy in their breakfast, they were all oblivious to Annika's attention being diverted by a message. Making sure no one had noticed (eye rolling : rules) she quickly opened it under the table.

Good morning Jaan! I will pick you up from your office after your shift. –billuji

When she finished reading, she was confused they had nothing planned so why would Shivaay pick her up from Shubh Mangalam. As if reading her mind chachaji said "Okay everyone, I have invited the Oberoi's for dinner in the evening to plan the wedding, so no more of this discussion in front of them. We all will be a good host, especially you two Sahil and Gauri. Got it?"

Everyone agreed to him and after finishing their breakfast got busy in their activities.

Good morning Shiv! Alright text me whenever you leave Oberoi Industries. –Jaan

After some excruciating hours of work where Annika was thoroughly exhausted and drained up, she crept through the office of Shubh Mangalam, searching for Shivaay's car as he had messaged that he had left office and was coming to pick her up. Her feet lightly tapped against the stone flooring with every step, careful not to make too much noise in order to make a swift exit without being noticed or asked more questions about her supposed wedding. After waiting for 5 minutes she found his car in the lot and quickly stepped inside it.

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