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Annika woke with a start when she felt someone stirring beside her. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she turned to her side and was astonished to feel someone's hand moving from her waist to the small of her back. Slowly opening her alert eyes, she saw Shivaay near her and realization dawned on her like a splash of cold water. She was sleeping near the campfire in Shivaay's arms with a blanket wrapped around them.

Looking at his relaxed face, she felt sheltered from all her problems. She nestled further into Shivaay's warmth. With one hand tangled in her hair while the other was comforting against her back, he felt like home. Shivaay slept undisturbed at her side – his features soft, making him appear almost innocent, his hairs falling from his eyes gracefully. She lightly graced the tips of her fingers over his arms and was startled when he said" You are staring."

A:" I'm not....I'm gazing."

S:" It's creepy."

A:" Heyy!! It's romantic....I'm allowed to look at my fiancé with love and admire him. What's up with you being grumpy Mr. Sadu Singh Oberoi, so early in the morning." Saying so she started moving away from him and getting up.

Shivaay squints up at her before pulling her down onto his chest and said "Sleep. It's too early to be awake and don't move so much jaan." Snuffing her hairs and kissing her forehead he was slowly drifting back to his sleep when Annika said "Shiv let go of me it's not so early it's almost 6."

S:" Do you have somewhere to go ? No na....so let's rest a bit more before we absolutely have to wakeup."

A:" I can't sleep now. Fine....I'm not going anywhere but you would have to talk to me...get up." She said shaking him a little. With a annoyed groan he opened his eyes and said "You woman are absolute impossible. Fine tell me what do you want to talk about?"

Annika thinking something asked him "Do tell me something about Shashi dadi, afterall we are going to her place for dinner today." Shivaay noddingly said "Ok so Shashi dadi is Dadi's elder sister but she is very strict, not at all like our dadi with the cool attitude. You would have to behave cautiously infront of her, typical daughter in law behaviour."

Annika gulping nodded her head and listened to him mentioning about all his relatives. Shashi dadi had one Son and two daughters who each had two more children (talk about big family jeez). The eldest married and father of a baby girl . As both of them were busy in their own world, they didn't realize when the other three woke up and were giving them curious looks.

A:" Oh gawwdd....Shiv why do we have to go?" She hided her face in his chest and said "Can we just postpone it like for forever." Laughing at her amusingly he replied " Common now they are not so bad and why delay the inevitable?"

Annika with a pout was about to say something when Pri said "Stop teasing her bhaiya...Annika badi dadi is very chill, you don't have to worry at all." Hitting Shivaay's chest Annika said "Uhhh....bagadbilla how can you play such tricks on me Shiv, M never listening to you again."

S:" I was just taking a little revenge as you were not letting me sleep, but Priyanku you ruined my plans."

Ru:" Why....what did my sweet bhabhi did that you were unable to sleep?" Realizing his blunder he gave a dirty look to Rudy "Shut up Rudy.....Why is your mind always in the gutter?"

Ru:" I was just asking bhaiya no dirty thoughts....I swear."

Annika interrupting the two of them said "Let's get up now guys we have a long day today...so let's make some breakfast for all of us."

S:" You know how to cook?"

A:" Of course not. You are cooking and I'm eating. Now stop being lazy and make me some breakfast."

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